Again who said anything about fault? Show me where I said it was Trump's fault the tax code expires in 2025? You posted "People that get pissed at the Gov't and Trump because they did not get a big tax return. You paid less in during the year, and a tax return is not a gift either." My quote "No worries what year does the tax cut expires for the 99% of us is it 2025? Then they will be happy again." From that you went to Chuck and Nancy, why they expire on 2025 and now to what Bush did in 2002. What part of I simple don't care do you not get? Are you that bored you just have to make stuff up? Do other people bitching about their taxes and money bother you that much? Until I read your post I had no idea other's where complaining, nor do I care. Yet here you rant about something that does not affect me or you. You keep coming back to why they expire in 2025, at this point and time I simple don't care why they expire. I just know they do in 2025 and it may be renewed or we get another tax code. It's just that simple. I sat down with my accountant in Feb of 2018 and went over the changes, not that big of a deal.
Yeah not sure where I was worried about other people paying taxes my comment was directed about a person that told me of their frustration, and yes if someone makes a comment blaming others I will call then on it to their face. Not sure where you got I was worried about others taxes. Like I said you are trying to hard to troll and you are not very good at to begin with.
You ranted about it, it's right here. "People that get pissed at the Gov't and Trump because they did not get a big tax return. You paid less in during the year, and a tax return is not a gift either." Note you said people not person. So once again, you're wrong, lol So we are clear, you were talking about one person, not people? If so I will amend my comment "Tell that person the tax codes expires in 2025 for him, maybe they'll be happier". Now you can go ahead and make up stuff from that comment.
People who stop 20 feet of the light sensor and then are astonished when the traffic light doesnt change. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
They are just trying to even it out for the people who stop with their back bumper at the light sensor.
An anti-rant (for me). Sooooo glad I left NY many years ago...
I escaped NY during his father's reign. Btw you may like this:
I have been known to pull up and "parallel park" in front of said idiots in order to effect said light change. actually no. Repressed Mormon. (Sorry, Mormons.)
Best YouTube video of all time. Can't believe I never noticed he was wearing a piece on his hip. Screams cop. I have no idea how he does the whole thing w/o laughing. FTR, she was about a 7.5 Hot but full on 8.5 Crazy. You can never stick with with a Crazy/Hot Deficit. You either have no pride or just really want to end up in jail. Ummmmm...let's just say it takes a lot to chase away a 21 year old dude from a girl that hot; but she managed lets just say that was an inverse ratio as well.
Another trash night; another bad wind least this one comes with ice! Hopefully enough to cover all the garbage that's sure to end up blown into my yard again.
Going to fire up the snowblower and take it thru the barn into the paddock thru the gate and up to the compost heap. I carried 2 3 gallon buckets of feed thru the snow a 1/4 mile to the deer feeder had to lift the buckets because the snow drags if I don't lift the buckets a little. I was sweating like a fat kid when I got there. I am beat don't feel like pushing a wheelbarrow uphill in the snow. I will say that the PT to reposition my core and dry needle therapy my hips are not the most sore body part.
as of today, for the better part of 2 weeks one of my dogs has been suffering random projectile vomiting. So that's been fun. Other than that he's seemed fine. Normal hunger, water intake. Normal activity and playfulness. If anything he's been more apt to get into the trash after food than normal. Vet can't figure it out. Prior to this he's been on the same food since he was a puppy (since late 2013.) I've been experimenting with other foods...slow introduction, not any luck so far. Going to re-introduce plain Greek yogurt tomorrow to try and get his gut bacteria right. Any other suggestions?
The national debt surpassing $22 trillion for the first time. But I suppose their is a reasonable explanation that I just dont understand..
We want a strong national defense, we just can't afford it. I hate welfare-mooching leeches as much as the next guy, but a Cold War World's Policeman's sized navy/army/airforce/marine corps is pretty expensive, too. Hashtag unpopular truths.