Trump is like a doctor who only tells the truth. Except he is literally the furthest thing from a doctor that tells the truth.
Her ya go @Sota, this is what you need. Easy to care for, great ride and the looks from the neighbors are priceless. This is my Texas Longhorn riding steer, he has since been donated to the University of New Mexico but for the first eight years of his life he was my best pasture pet.
hey brother, when even the Chicago Tribune editorial board says this state's entire tax structure is insane and indicates that the tax burden is more or less directly responsible for driving out over 150k people in 4 years (most of whom are legit taxpayers rather than lower income job seekers); even you should stand up and take notice. My wife and I are not what I would consider "rich" and just in property and state income tax increases we've taken an estimated $15k hit to our yearly take home in the past 3 year. And that's not even considering the loss of SALT deduction on our fed taxes (which I agree with as a national policy- I put my money where my mouth is.) And oh, yeah, our home value has probably dropped about $15k also. So we have that going for us. Given the new nut job "tax the rich" billionaire governor; from 2019 forward that 150k saying "AMF" is going to look like a trickle.
You have a reference pic or link, I may know him. There are very few of us that do such idiotic things and I know a guy in New Mexico that did break a buffalo for riding. My inspiration was Mongo..
I was turning w33k's post back around on him... What's funny is 1990s Bill Clinton couldn't even come close to getting the Democrat nomination these days. Heck he wouldn't be allowed to call himself a Democrat. He'd probably have to apologize for his racist rich white slaveholding middle name. "The era of big government is over" - President William Jefferson Clinton, 1996 SOTU
So Leslie Van Houten thinks she should be let out of prison on parole, this individual was part of the Manson Family, the ones who finger painted with blood in their victims homes. California does not have the death penalty, tell you what let's just call it a late term abortion and the Californians will be all for it.
Hahaha!! That guy just paid her life insurance policy and was hoping to cash it in!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I've read Bugliosi and Gentry's book Helter Skelter at least twice in my life. Although Van Houten was "only" involved in the second night's murders, it was the opinion of Bugliosi that she was the most cold blooded and remorseless killer of the bunch. She can rot in prison. I'm glad she's miserable. Makes me smile to think of it. Her crew butchered human beings worse than the most unethical of all bowhunters could hurt animals. She's getting off light.
I only respect those who are for policy(tax cut) and it cost them money(SALT). Those are the only people who's opinion I value. Respect...