Mine too....well into 7 digits and climbing. I told Germ of a 3 way split that was about to take place in CSX stock a few years ago...not sure if he took advantage or not...a few weeks later, I made over 100k, over night.
Stopped by the daughter's farm store on the way home yesterday, she showed me a catalog and I ordered new leather outers for my choppers for only $11, liners are still good but it is getting harder and harder to find a good pair of choppers. I should order another pair.
They look like this and usually have a wool liner that you can take out and dry. The also made a version that had a longer cuff that went half way up your fore arm.
They are awesome mittens the beauty of choppers when you are working on something you can get them off in a flick of the wrist, and even though the technology is old they keep your hands as warm as any modern materials.
I looked it up as well and that was the most likely candidate but wanted to confirm as their were other options. Like Chaps. Hey, if Sota wants to wear chaps that's cool. You do you.
Good news? I met with the Dr, I failed the stability test my left hip is worse than the right, have to go back for the MRI then schedule the surgery. I am in the process of putting my schedule on a calendar to see when I have time for the surgery and down time. I hope I don't get pulled over and get asked to stand on one foot as part of a field sobriety test, I can't stand on my left foot for 15 seconds without buckling.
Good news meaning that you are a good candidate for replacement. That the replacement will fit properly so that you can function with no pain. But your statement about scheduling a MRI answers those questions with a "to be determined". Wife's friend had all that done in one day so I assumed (sorry) that was a normal process.