Agreeing to work Sunday on a Thursday and reflecting on it Saturday night.... At least it is double time and only working 5-6 hours unless Daytona 500 is weather delayed/postponed.
I haven’t watched SNL for the last 48 of their 50 years. Thought I’d watch the 50th celebration tonight and gotta say it’ll be another 50 before I watch another. Can’t imagine I’ve missed anything much. JMO
This winter! I am sick AGAIN. I NEVER have stomache issues and early last night the pain hit. So bad it overrode the pain in my bad knee. It literally felt like I had a car run over my stomach .Up, on the dot, every two hours to bathroom. Sinuses like the Mississippi, which doesn't help stomache . I'm back on cipro.(sp) anti bacteria Grandson back at Doc's for streptococcus 2nd time in a month. Suns out but it's beyond miserable out there ice under 2" of wetsnow in low teens with howling winds.
I've complained about the winter this year, but it's actually a historically normal winter. What has really gotten me the last two winters is the wind. You hit teens and single digits then add 15-30 mph winds and gusts nearly every day, just sucks You can't work in it, you can't hike in it.
Hey American, thanks for stimulating the economy and paying a sizable amount of money in taxes when purchasing stuff like cars and boats. But we are going to tax you again and again, every year, on those items. Bend over.
I've been in my most recent job now, nearly 6 months. I'm still getting updates on jobs I applied to nearly 7-9 months ago...sure seems y to me HR processes are less than efficient if not broken...
Our past lists, not a complaint. We loved the help we never had. It helped them achieve their successes. Plus we missed a bigone Weddings . Both are long term relations but opted no marriage. High school to now in 40's Proms...3 Snow boarding Ski team for 3 yrs Motor cross competition Lifetime hunting licenses Three totaled ,just yrds from drive Insurance after that! Private University A house Help on another
The way we’ve dealt with wedding… ‘We’re gonna give you $x for your wedding. It’s up to you how you use/spend it.’ My oldest son had a grand wedding with his bride…they bought a run down place for a good price and have fixed it up. He has a pretty stout mortgage, car and college loan payments still. My #2, oldest daughter, has a very humble wedding. Have a modest house with mortgage, paid off their college loans and vehicle loan. #3-5 aren’t yet engaged/married… Many vehicles.. at least 3 totaled. They are responsible for their college loans, we helped them (some) with room/board, fees, books. All went to a state college, with #1 a dual major, #2 teaching degree/cert, #3 PA school, #4 quit college went to the school of life (he’s a manager at a local chain of full service car washes), #5 4yr degree.
We were lucky daughter and her significant make well into 6 figures each he was free ride engineer top of class. She had very little in loans for grad school paid off. Son went community for HVAC before going into construction like pops and his Dad. When he was in school he managed install at Circuit City. They paid his tuition as long as he kept up his grades. We never needed to help him other than books. Foreman with a company truck now. His home on 5 acres with pond was paid off by the time he was 22. He started a side businees and gutted and remodled his home, like we did our first home. Both kids had jobs in high school and responsibilities. Son had his teen boy issues but me for a Mom so that ended after a couple of rough years. Daughter started telling me her secrets and that was stopped in it's tracks...GEEZZ what I didn't know can't haunt Ya niether, did not fall far from parents tree hahahaha