I got wrecked shoveling, that's with hubby doing around house and garage. The road plows did a bank cleaning for this weeks pending storms. Well coming up the hill they slow and shift at the mail box. Dropping everything they caught on the way up. Why I shovel 50' before and after ,catching drive across the street. They just pack it over there. Our driveway is their down hill run and not as bad. No high banks, though I do a road shovel 50' on their approach to aviod a lot in the drive.
That time of year have some crappy weeks of travel, followed by more weeks. I have 4 or 5 conferences I have to fly on Sunday mornings.
I gave my two weeks' notice, two weeks ago but my boss convinced me to stay due to a new schedule and the potential for a raise this month. One week into my new promised schedule my boss tells me he has to switch it up and place me on a different schedule. At noon, I cleaned up my office, turned in all my gear, and told them its game over. You want to go back on what you said, then good bye. Adios!
Good luck on your future endeavors, kudos for standing up for what is best for you and not kowtowing to their reneging of a promise. It's their loss as we are the last of a working class generation. In the end we have to do what is in our best interest regardless of how it affects their end of things.
Thanks for listening to my B session. My final straw was a manager publicly shaming employees. Those people work hard and don't deserve that treatment. I needed to leave right then and there or be fired for an imminent verbal evisceration.
I can relate, I'm coming to a crossroads myself. 20 years and 8 months at my current job and I'm having my own conflictions and willing to throw it all down the drain. Similar reasoning, but due to higher ranks of "management". At 50 years old, there really isn't another "career" change in the offerings, it's a 10-15 year gig change not a reset and reboot. I have my options, now I just have to weigh which is the best one for me. Never an easy decision, until you know it is the right one, then it's the best thing that has happened.
Amen. I have a hard time working around today’s young worker’s. No initiative, lead them by hand, every excuse to be late or not show up…..the list is loooong.
Sadly, the youth of today are raised by technology, not parenting and "real life". Gamers from birth, google for answers, ipads/phones/laptops for homework. Nurtured and coddled in all aspects of the "develop and learn" phase of life. Little accountability and too much "it's not your fault" teachings. If I touched a hot burner on a stove as a kid, I got told "serves you right dummy", a kid does it today we need a national law passage requiring all stoves to have pictures and warnings in every language to help prevent it. Laws cannot replace common sense. That is the one thing most in the legislative branch of our lives cannot grasp. Emphasizing and, again, emphasizing, common sense could change the world. Or at least daily life as we know it.
Had to fly today, it was a rescheduled flight and I had to sit in row 28 seat B a middle fing seat. It was hell. Do have to say it was nice to get to Tampa it was 100 degrees warmer than when I left my house at 5:30 this morning -20
Pissed off today went back to a landfill to buckle stuff up supposed to be quick and easy. Main power disconnect is bad, and a motor contactor is bad. The system was working perfectly when I left, the site transitioned from generator to standard power I come back and **** is f'ed, and I took a jolt of juice when I was trying to get amp draw readings. it was only 480 3 phase, not many amps.
Landed late at MSP didn't get my luggage till 10:00, roads were **** hit a 25 mile stretch of freezing rain. Got home at 1 am.