I don't follow foot ball or ,well many sports that have referee's, why? The playoffs are rigged, prove me wrong.
Hey not just football did you all see the call made on the marathon? White american guy totally effed
Field services asked me to fill in, do a quick start up in Fargo, simple system should not take you an hour. Made lunch plans based on that, nope walked into a Charlie Foxtrot spent all day in the wind and the mud.
Another chicken farm going down with bird flue. Is it me or are you not hearing anything about how they are urgently throwing the scientific kitchen sink at this. Lots of killing animals talked about. What they'll do to the populace if they contact it. I'm not seeing or reading the solid research and break down of this thing.
This drives me nuts! So I ask, are seat belt laws a nation Wide thing of just state? Because that @$#% Lawyer should know the LAW. There isn't a car around with a seat belt long enough or LEGALLY safe enough as far as weight limit to cover that ,that....person. I hope a judge tells him to go back to law school. No driver can be forced to break the driving laws. He should have just said I can not legally allow you in my vehicle.
Imagine if smoking caused obesity rather than eating, people would declare war on obesity. Big fat people are the same as 2 pack a day smokers, killing themselves.
Buckle up butter cup, your about to get s-r-wed at the grocery store. Have you seen what Microsoft and Krogers are doing to their pricing? I will going to small local stores, farmers markets( Amish) in winter. Keep growing my own in summer. They started ,big stores, by doing the e app discounts. Which I can't utilize because I won't down load the app and use my phone. I will not buy a product that doesn't have the price listed. I always check my reciepts before leaving the parking lot. Facial recognition to DETERMINE HOW MUCH YOU PAY... in the USA!!!!
Gotta love the weather reports...NOT light snow no accumulation Well big fluffy flakes 3-4 in on the ground and still snowing.
Well i just bought 4 pair of reading glasses. I'm officially old. Years of that damn computer screen in the dark did a number on my eyes
Wait a couple more years, try running to the grocery store and you forgot your glasses. Forget sending a text without glasses too. Oh and tying lures on without glasses forget about it.
So I got LASIK 7 or 8 years ago and it was awesome. I did grab my kiddo glasses while she was home and saw a difference so I went and got a exam. Turns out my eyes got bad again. Which I don't mind, I'm getting older. But here is my gripe, I put on the glasses and I can see clearer farther away but close up is now blurry. Without glasses my eyes are perfect close up. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Close up started to get blurry about 2 years ago for me and now I pretty much can't see to tie a fly on. Oh well. Still ok reading, but the .75 readers definitely help. Cest la vie