Put my waders on to get in the water and flush the rocks and wash the sediment off the sand around the dock. Soon as I got in the water instant leak. waders with water in them suck. The bottom is sand and gravel around the dock, took the weeds out too looks good but have more to do. I took the waders off and I had hives on the backs of my legs, right in the garbage.
Yet another Minnesota sports team pissing away the opportunity to be a champion. Heck it has only been 34 years since the last time.
Why in the hell would a company sell a bilge pump that floats, that is the last think I need from a bilge pump.
We live in a giant stupid world full of stupid people. I don't believe natural selection is even real nowadays.
So I have become an old man, I have become the guy like my neighbor fretting about the lawn. In mow and the next morning I look out and see a dandelion stalk sticking up I am out there digging the sob out, I mark the calendar when to put the next dose of weed and feed down. I guess it is a way of staying active and on my feet. That being said I don't care if the boys tear around in their tractor and side by side.
One of the loon chicks was missing this evening, went out for a pontoon ride and found the chick floating dead, did not appear to be any trama to the body but I am not picking up a dead bird these days.
Why do all these mental young people think we want to see their mental breakdowns and weirdness at their college graduations? Dear Students, We Don't Care.
So I was sick, feeling like crap zero energy puking couple times a day go to the dr and they start testing blood, scans, screens. Turns out I had a tremendous amount of iron in my system, they looked at my liver and said holy **** we have to figure this out. They still have tests and screenings scheduled out till July. Kinda pisses me off no actual treatment other than quit eating and drinking, no red meat, no alcohol, fruit veggies and water not even an Advil for a headache. I got impatient and pissed and started researching, started taking zinc and turmeric, lots of water, fruits and veggies, no fast food little processed foods as possible. Had an unrelated yearly check up today asked to have my blood tested my iron levels dropped from over 3000 to just over 1000. My iron issue will be normal before they are done running $3000 tests. I was surprised to learn at 58 years old zero cirrhosis 100% liver function, sure my liver may have a little rust on the corner panels but it runs like a top, put some hard miles on it over the years.
Glad to hear Ticks! Sprayed 3x's, never in high grass or weeds only garden and cleaned coop. Pulled oneout of my under arm above elbow!!!
Are yellow jackets as bad in your area as they are here this year? Oh and the biggest I've EVER seen?
Sota, stay far away from any pain meds, such as tylenol. ibuprofin etc... I know of 6 people who damaged their liver, kidneys taking these daily
SIL Hubby , head of pharm company and started in developement. Warned us about the literal liver killing on at least certain pain killers. ESPECIALLY with Alcohol. I was addicted (mentally) Before Covid and stopped taking everything. I'm in pain but believe it or not ones mind adjusts. I do take the, couple of times a year, asprin. That for functions I need to get through if it's a bad day. Sorta watch your veggies some contain way more iron than one might think.
I don't even take Advil for a headache. I was not any meds until I was 55 and I have ditched my BP meds now.
My issue is my body has decided to store iron for some reason, fun change in life. I am really missing red meat, I have a freezer full of all cuts of beef and I am eating fruit for supper.
Google fruits with high iron, I believe strawberries ,I know avacado, watermelon are all high in iron amongest others
I stick with bananas, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, cantaloupe and pears. I can not wait till I hit the 300 number I am going to have a beer. The whole not drinking lifestyle really does not work for me, at the lake and for work my job requires me to drink with clients. I will be on the 6 month monitor schedule and moderation will help, I am not ready to give up much to live life, I worked too hard to spend the rest of my years in bubble wrap.