Background- so only 1 day in the past 21 or so has there been any measurable precipitation. Needless to say the ground is really dry. Farmers could've been doing their spring planting for weeks.... Weather today was perfect for pressure washing my house, deck, and my boat resto project. 80*, low humidity, slight breeze from the south. I wake up at 6am to go to Home Depot, rent a pressure washer, buy all the detergent, and then spent the next 6 hours doing my house, deck and boat. I decide I have a plenty of time to put a new coat of DeckOver on the deck as well. I open all the windows to air out the house, and then take the pressure washer back to Home Depot, buy the DeckOver; do some additional running around, yadda yadda. I then come home to start putting the DeckOver on before media stripping my boat only to see a tractor in the field behind (south of; as in straight upwind of ) my house...yup; the farmer leasing the field behind my house decides that TODAY is THE DAY to plow under last years' corn that he didn't bother to take in...(*&^(&^%$#%$!!!! Every Godda***** window in the house was open, so the inside of my house, my deck, and my boat are all covered in dust and in dire need of guessed it, pressure washing. I'm pretty sure I've never wanted to beat anyone's ass as bad as I do today for them doing something they are completely in their right to do...MURPHY. Unbelievable timing.
It's Saturday, I've been on the phone for 9.5 hrs already, working, with clients....and we ain't some yet.
I detect a tinge of sarcasm; but yes it was. He's had almost a month to plant this sucker. He didn't bother to take it in last year. And in the 3 years I've lived here he's never touched that field on a weekend. I'm not even really blaming him; I'm blaming Murphy. He must've started plowing right after I left because I wasn't gone that long and he was almost done by the time I got home. If I had known he was about to start I at least wouldn't have left the windows open. The outside stuff I can deal with.
Losing the older generation that made our country great stinks. An old Marine Veteran bought my dinner for me tonight while I was on duty. Told me I should carry my wallet in my sock because it would give me time to kick a pick pockets butt! Haha. That 80 yr old guy was awesome. Don't make em like that anymore. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Stupid coke driver slamming his lift gate on his trailer every mon wed and fri between 5 and 530 am.... well this morning I stepped out on the back porch and told him what I thought of him!!!!! Wasn’t pretty!!
Who builds houses by a volcano? Sure it is sad to lose all your stuff but you bought a house by a volcano.
How about the high school kids walk out and protest yet another kid killed by texting/posting/taking pictures while driving. They stand a much better change of losing a classmate to a car wreck because of a phone than they do to a school getting shot up.
True but they did have the books you were looking for. Shame people are no longer buying books I am a book guy I turn pages not click on a kindle.
Spend $8 for a gallon spray bottle from home depot. Spend $2 for half a gallon of distilled vinegar from local grocery store. Pour vinegar into gallon spray bottle, add 1/2 gallon of water. Spray and wait with 3-4 days of sunshine. Kill the algae/mold; don't just wash it off. Never pay to rent a pressure washer again. I have done this to my kid's playground and deck. Works like a charm.
I was also stripping off the old paint on the boat and the old deck over but thanks, that is a good tip
Looking at cool jobs but realizing I am past their age requirement. Atf and other federal leo jobs. I bet I could out perform 80% of their entrants physically even at age 43. Oh well. Back to the streets for me. Hahaha. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Grad ceremonies are upcoming at HS and colleges across the country. Encourage your kids to keep the line moving and parents please remember to hold your applause and cheers for the end of the ceremony.