I have been away from the game of golf for 16 years. Been playing a lot this year. Things have change Dress codes are pretty much gone. Playing music on the course? Pace of play is terrible I am enjoying playing again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pretty certain I am an idiot and I will at some point wonder WTF was I thinking. I got offered a $ amount to come out of retirement to run a strike team of engines by a contractor. I have to admit I have a price when it comes to fire, and well I will come take that $, son of a buck my wife is pissed I promised I was done but I get to work with guys I have known for 20 plus years.
What a great sport, you can play all your life, I go down to Charleston in the winter to work on my game, some great training spots there. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting .com Forums
Damn kids, my son the project manager wrote me up a punch list on what needs to be done to the boats.
Well that got shot down real quick, I can not get medical clearance, was told I would be a fool to consider it.
Pissed off this morning at work, yet another f up by the engineering dept took the profits out of a nice project. I am sure I will get a talking to but I was very angry and I told the department head and the offending party. Oh shucks is not going to cover it, this I have 4 failure anaylsis reports sitting on my desk. If engineering can not remove errors I will eliminate the engineer making the errors. Fat tub of dung milks every reason to be off of work, wants to wear shorts to work because of his bad knee he had replaced a year ago and wanted a handicap parking space at work. I am pissed off this morning.
I pump out of the lake, I built my own pump. I can get 30 gpm to the back of the yard but I am still watering every day.