Conflicted, with 16 deer walking accross a lake before dark they are being fed. It is against the rules because of CWD, that being said with the snow on the ground this winter supplemental feed will help, unless the deer were in starvation mode. I bet if I dropped a clover bale in the middle of the lake they would devour it. Thing is the deer feeding ban is unenforceable, no law against feeding the turkeys.
Driving 56 in a 55 mph zone is against the law. In my opinion, ANYTHING CWD enforcement sucks!! Covid of the deer world. I know it's what a CO does but they gotta be tired of handling those calls (same as a wolf killing)
Oh heck no worst thing you could do is make a call up here. I worked for the DNR for 20 plus years I found creative ways to avoid writing up citations with billable time. My favorite was local law enforcement insisted on all enforcement actions. I do not always agree with DNR decisions, and can give many examples of poor policy.
Dang wish you guys were in NYS. Hunt in the corner of 3 different counties here...which happens on public a lot here, even private. Fill tag with wrong county and get checked bam! You get ticketed
I have an extraction mission starts in 8 days, I fly to Tampa to take my Dad and his dogs and his dip shat grandson back to Minnesota. Heard my Dad is excited about my nephew being part of it. He has been blessed with a learning experience with his uncle, keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. I am driving, last time we shared it was $16,ooo in damage.
When your wife is creeping above her mid 40s and you don't know whether it's the time of the month, she's beginning to lose her time of the month, or she is just super intense combined with the aforementioned possibilities. Holy hell!
Only another 10 or so years...somewhere along the way hot flashes will come into play. Find a warm blanket, sweater/sweatshirt and hold on!
Oh you will know when it is no longer the bye week vs the menopause. They do not put that on the marriage brochure.
Have done it numerous times in a vehicle and by boat, my Dad prefers me to be the one to move him around.
A spare bed room is a God send for all involved, one with air conditioning. Also selective hearing and a zip lip . Knowing when to engage both..Good Luck PS. In years to'll all be able to laugh about it ...we do.
If you could would you ship a handgun down to Florida for the drive back. I could fly with it checked but not going to lie I am having whiskey on the way down, do not want to have ground issues.
My wife's menopause was just after empty nest, and it was early. You could point a loaded gun at me and not impressed seen worse. We laugh now divorce is not an option who ever lives the longest gets it all.
Are you saying there is 15 -20 years of this in my near future? She wears sweatshirts now when is 80 outside and we are still early 40s. Well, she is. I got 30s for two and half more months.
Just saw a news story, people are going to other countries to see concerts because the tickets cheaper. That is crazy.
Lol the sweater and sweat shirt is for YOU! I went through's. It was sweat dripping off the nose ,rolling down the car window and hanging your head out like a dog in 30 degree temps. Blankets on blankets off and tossing and turning all night . Looking normal one minute bright red face the next. I was in a grocery line, several people behind me. I just broke out in a pouring sweat. I said man is it hot in here? The young teen clerk blurts out, in a clear voice. Wow you look like my mom and she's in menopause! I turned to see everyone staring at me.With a big smile I said...well you got that right! Then laughed, teens they say the darnest There is a reason for this saying " these things shall pass" BTW....DO NOT MENTION. any facial hair you may not have seen in the past unless it's a long one she missed , they are also random and appear in odd places. I once woke up to find a 1" long thick hair in the middle of my fore head..WTH ! That some what clears up eventually as well. Oh and you guys go through a change as well. So when you start finding your "mood" getting mentioned a lot. Then finding "bunny tails" popping out of your ears and nose, well know what's going on.
Will go the entire month of March without a single temperature hitting 50 degrees. Would be curious how many times we even made it to 40. I complain about the weather a lot.