USPS is getting horrible anymore, 2 packages supposed to be delivered today and haven't even gotten regular mail. Not sure what has happened lately, but some days they don't even show up onbthe block at all, others they may show up at 8:30pm. They normally deliver between 1:30 and 4:30. If I had any faith in their longevity I'd consider going and applying if they need help on routes. Would beat the hell out of what I'm doing now and tearing my body up.
I'm getting so damn tired of listening to these Capitol Police Officers crying every other day about Jan 6th. Literally crying. You singed up to be a cop and hold the line. Sometimes its messy. I've had friends and people I've known that have been killed on duty, shot and killed citizen, been maimed and forced off the job, killed themselves.....and I've never see the officers who have lived to tell a story about being badly hurt and or having to have been forced to kill someone on duty cry so much.
Effed up both arms. Been dieting for a few weeks and got the bright idea to start lifting a bit. Decided to go low weight/high reps. Did 3 sets of 20 curls and overhead tricep extensions. Woke up yesterday and both arms above elbow and below tricep were extremely sore and stiff. Took it easy and they limbered up pretty good while still sore. Woke up this morning and both were the same but left was worse and pain/tightness has wrapped around to include lower bicep. Guessing it's the tendons that got overworked. Good grief, it was such light weight I didn't even consider overworking them. Just hoping it is better by Monday, going to be hard to do my job if not. Ugh
Does vodka and lemonade count Took a muscle relaxer, 800mg IBU and have an elbow support wrap on it. Actually lucked out on the elbow wrap. Firat 2 places didn't have anything but a conpression sleeve. Went to Walgreens after searching online, in store was $17.99, but online showed it for 5.99 plus buy one get 50% off second. They gave both to me for 5.99, got home and ordered 2 more online shipping. They're both identical except the new and improved one has the copper threading. Both were 17.99 in store.
Not a rant...just a very very sad post. I got t he call this morning I need to go and be with daughter. Our little " grandpup" needs to move on. Our daughter decided not to have kids and kooters been with her since she graduated from grad. School. She's nearly 40 now. The old girls been her baby so many years and a family member for all of us. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day. BTW...kid decision not a "woke" thing...she just has ZERO tolerance for ALL kids since she was a kid herself....It was a good decision for her...she has great close friends ,generous,and fun loving. To be honest I think it's a genetic trait, several, not young,woman in the family decided kids were just not a good idea for them. Anyways...That is going to be a very, very long sad drive tomorrow, I hate seeing my kids in pain.
Eating a ton of eggs actually. Between 5 and 10 a day. Thinking a Dr. visit is in store tomorrow, just not getting any better 3 days afterward.
Your joints and muscle insertions were stretched and you have swelling in places that dont have a lot of give. Localized swelling in certain places hurts like hell. Get some darn ice and freeze the hell out of it.
Swelling is definitely noticeable on both arms. Been trying to ice them, but heat seems to work best. Left arm is by far the worst, pain amd swelling is from the elbow up the tricep, wraps around low below the bicep and has moved soreness into the inside forearm. Right arm has similar tricep/bicep swelling/pain but is a lot less in severity. I curled 36 pounds and did the triceps with just under 22 pounds. Holy **** I will never do so again. Never would have imagined this from that.
Woke up this morning and just about all the stiffness is gone, still sore but 100% better than the past 3 days. Got supervisor to give me a trainee to do the grunt work today to continue resting. Was really worried I somehow tore something.
Welcome to middle-aged workouts. That post workout soreness will gradually improve in the next 3-4 weeks as your body adjusts to the new physical demands. Magnesium, potassium, and L-Citrulline are your new best friends.
Yeeah, I definitely need to up my potassium intake. I was just dumb, thought 36lbs would be nothing. Normally it would be 3 times that doing 12, 10 and 8 reps. Been so long since I have lifted though due to surgery in 2020 it effed me up pretty good. Just glad I didn't do worse, guess it doesn't matter the weight amount, still need to ease into it and not go straight up gung ho from the get go.
Sucks losing a pup even when you have kids. Hardest day of my life was taking my previous dog to the vet to be put down with my kids (who insisted on coming) by my side. Seeing their pain made it 10000 times worse. Thoughts and prayers for your daughter, it is great that you can be with her today.
Can you report back after trying this, then? (Hope the arms are doing better)
3 weeks ago I told the GM and HR to start looking for a replacement purchasing agent, they asked why. Today she put in her 2 week notice. I told the GM get me a replacement even if temporary by Friday. She and her boyfriend thought leaving would leave us high and dry, there is nobody that is not replaceable and guess what your replacement is going to make more than you. She is sleeping with the Owner's soon to be former son inlaw. He thought he was irreplaceable in under a week and the new IT guy shows up at 8:00 not noon.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I just got home it was a rough afternoon. She just could not go in and the vets office would my allow me to go in with son in law. He has never gone through this and was left to do it alone...I'm very angry and will not forget this you can be assured. Though they still have another old girl being treated there...I can and will wait.. He was just a wreck when he came out. I had told them to bring her bed with them and to take it in for her final rest. They so appreciated that because he laid across the bed with his arm/shoulder and she passed quietly in his arms. Just like she slept in his arms at night watching TV. We later went through picture and told stories laughed and cried until I saw the tension of the last few days ease. Long drive home with very sore eyes God Bless you Dakota. Thanks for watching over the kids for so long.