So, ignore the fact gas was already ~1.5x r than under the prior admin >before< Russia invaded Ukraine... And the fact we buy like 10% of our oil from Russia.... OK, got it.
Remember when a barrel of oil was a negative value? We have the capabilities and it needs to be hit hard from now to November. Now Biden is saying "Not much we can do about it now, this is Putin's fault".
Yep...I started keeping track of mileage. I do the banking and never charged work for my mileage - but this is crazy. It's 25 miles round trip - that adds up quick.
Yeah, fortunately my wife's job pays mileage since she works at multiple schools in the district, sometimes in a single day.
Catholics I'd guess. There are different denominations, but the hardcore ones (I don't remember the denominations actual name) do not believe the body should be altered in any way, while alive or after death. No birth control or birth control procedures, plastic surgery, anything at all that alters natural body function or appearance. That includes cremation after you die. I was raised Catholic, when I was young I remember being taught that cremation was a sin. The denomination I attended has since changed to allowing cremation, I can't say how that thought process went, just know it is now "acceptable".
We humans have so many stupid rules and I dont think God gives a S about 99.99999999999999999% of them.
FML last night flew into Minneapolis terminal 1 I was parked in the ramp at terminal 2 to get there you go thru 4 different escalators to the tram take that another 2 escalators to the light rail station wait in the cold adds 35 minutes to getting to the truck. Got home a little after nine, unpacked repacked and left home 9 hours later, caught on the news the ramp at terminal 1 was 95% full so back to terminal 2 for me this time I am dragging a hard golf case full of exhibit materials a suit case and a back pack thru the maze.
I was raised Catholic as well. Disclaimer, one reason I'm spiritual, but anti religion. To them having been anti cremation ask yourself how many Catholic owned cemeteries are around the country. So how much cost to buy new lands to bury Catholics and to maintain said land? ...Yep I can see reason for reversal, same reason most Catholic schools have closed in our area. Even though non Catholics were trying to enroll. $$$$$
As a fully recovered catholic, I wasn't aware there are different "denominations" of catholics-not like protestant religions. There are a few more "enlightened" parishes though.
So when you take a human off of life support they either quit breathing or because no IV or feeding tube they starve to death or dehydration, no shot offered to end that process on somebody that has no path back. If it was a dog a shot would be given to end the suffering humanly. If you withheld food and water to a dying dog you could be charged with cruelty. WTF hardest part of the process.