Of the surprise bow. Well I just got back from presenting the Surprise bow to Mr Louie Trammell, on behalf of past, present, future student and Faculty of Legacy High School. Mr Trammell was taken by surprise and probably for the first time in his life he was speechless. Mr Trammell did admit that he was choked up with not only the surprise but of the thought that so many at the school respect and love him, which is why I decided to make him the bow. Mr Trammell has been a teacher, coach and now an AP for a very long time and has given his all to the education of kids and has asked for nothing in return. Mr Trammell it has been my pleasure sir to make this bow for you, I hope in the years to come you will get as much pleasure out of the bow as I had making it for you. Sir thank you for being you.
Well done Russ, although I'm surprised that in this day and age we aren't seeing pics of you being handcuffed and thrown in a police car on national news for walking into a school with a weapon
This speaks volumes about you Russ but then again I already knew that!! Your a good man Russell, don't ever change my friend!!