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The Orion Syndicate (#12) - 2020 & 2021 Champions

Discussion in '2022 Deer Contest' started by tynimiller, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. ash d

    ash d Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Upstate NY
    So I did get one stand up yesterday. I dont why it takes me so long. Took almost 2hrs to move a ladder stand 30yds. I guess moving it then up and down the ladder checking shooting lanes takes time. So I have that pig roast today and I was taking my wife out to dinner last night and we drove by where it will be if she needs to pick me up later. It borders state land where the party is at today. I found a spot that looks great I might try to check out next week, there’s a huge swamp I’m going to walk the edge of. I have 2 stands left to get up I’m shootings for tomorrow.
    farmer rick and MIHOYT89 like this.
  2. ash d

    ash d Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Upstate NY
    Got both stands up. 1 ladder and one hang on. They might be lifers I don’t know if I’ll ever take them out of there maybe just change the straps that was a battle. Got to get practicing the next two weeks.
    farmer rick and Oldcarp like this.
  3. Oldcarp

    Oldcarp Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jan 29, 2012
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    My hunt ended Friday it was a great time. I believe all I did was educate deer this year. I did come across this small five point elk wallowing. I got a little video of him if I can post it I will try. October 9 I go to Idaho for a week but that is a rifle hunt.

    Attached Files:

    LittleChief, ash d and farmer rick like this.
  4. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Welp....things come in three right?

    Landowner to my NW of my place where the cams were taken informed me they'll be clearing trees and starting construction expansion of their place this fall....that is a 2 acre THICK bedding overgrowth behind their business the deer love to use. The timing is autrocious for me, but I'm hoping long term is lessons the trespassing from that direction - not getting my hopes up but it could help.
    LittleChief likes this.
  5. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    The first glimmer of good news coming from me finally:

    So we finally made it out to my pops' new woods there in the riverbottom with the intent to hang two stands. Hate doing it this late but the previous hunters had just discovered they no longer had permission as the property had sold and had called my dad to get permission to go pull stands and cameras.; young man that met us and did the pulling was awesome and very nice. He even shared some of the movement tendencies (he didn't pay attention to wind and such but still listened intently), and garnered some intel about neighbors. He did share some trail cam pictures of few of the biggest bucks that came through last year. Three I'd probably shoot, with the biggest being about upper 140s to low 150s. He did share images of a few past bucks that were long gone or dead and that area seems heavy in non-typicals that throw junk - that's exciting.

    Since they were gonna be out there anyways made sense to make it out. We got one stand hung in a dynamite spot I really like next to a washout finger of the river that is dry now, and trails appear to converge on other side of it maybe 20 yards out or so. Camera hung overlooking the suspected trails that we can get without crossing washout. Be good for Northerly winds with maybe a west depending how we learn they like to travel. The other spot we had hoped to put a stand up was too thick and/or no good tree with any cover. Pinned a couple deadfalls to maybe crawl in with a gun in season for me or pops just to learn travels better. Got three cameras coming I'll go deploy for us to expedite the learning process this year in areas we won't be hunting yet.

    Long term picked out a higher ground section that altogether I'd guess could flirt with an acre or more in size (irregular shape) that a dozer will get in and clear for us if dry enough...a big plot right there with the bottom surrounding screams DYNAMITE.
  6. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    I'm back home now. I made a trip to hunt Henry County, MO this past Friday. Here's an update, but it's going to have to be a long one.

    I got there Friday at about 2:00 and about 3:30 I climbed up in a lock on that was only 12' high and sat the first evening. This stand is on an old grown up road that runs 20 yards inside the woods along a brushy fence line bordering a corn field that had just been picked that day.

    I hadn't been set up 15 minutes when I caught movement to my left in super thick cover. I looked closely and it was a big 10 point. I watched it mill around at 25 yards or so for about 10 minutes and then it bedded down. I kept watching it and saw that there was another buck with him. It was a big 8 point. Eventually they got up, but instead of walking the road by me they went deeper into the cover.

    The next morning I saw a few deer cross the road quite a ways away and go into the field and but never saw what they were.

    Saturday evening I was in the same stand. It was HOT: 90 degrees, high humidity and no breeze. I was dying. At about 6:15 I saw deer cross the road again into the field again but this time they fed by 20 yards on the other side of the fence in the field. I could see the deer here and there but there was only one opening that I might be able to shoot through that was about the size of the hood on a pick up truck.

    First a doe fed by, then an 8 point that might have made 100". Next was a spike. Then I saw what the fourth deer was: An 8 point that would probably score 135-140". I knew he was going to walk through the opening at 40 yards. Problem is that I couldn't stand and shoot because I didn't have clearance. I couldn't shoot sitting down because it was on my right and the tree was in the way.

    I had one option and I took it. I disconnected my tether and took a knee on the platform. The buck started walking towards the opening and just before he got there I drew. He got to the middle of the opening and I stopped him. I aimed and shot. The Nocturnal streaking through the opening and dropping in was beautiful, but the big Grim Reaper hitting the on-side shoulder blade wasn't. I called Josh and he came over. We couldn't find any blood in the field. We found the arrow about 20 yards inside the woods. I looked at it and it looked like it had only penetrated about 5 1/2 to 6". I looked up with my head light and saw eyes. He was bedded 60 yards from us. Josh lit him up with his Streamlight and he just laid there looking at us. I grabbed Josh's arm and said "Lets get out of here."

    I sat the same tree the next morning hoping he was dead but also hoping he'd walk by if he was still alive since I was in his bedding area. I saw 8 other bucks and four does and could have shot two bucks that would have scored about 110-115", but I was still thinking I might have one down. I got down about 7:30 and we went to where he'd been bedded. The bed didn't have a lot of blood in it and there was no blood trail leaving the bed. We still walked the creeks and ridges but found nothing at all. I'm sure he's still alive.

    The next afternoon I moved 80 yards north and sat where I had a better view of the field so I could shoot standing up. At about 6:00 pm I saw a deer 150 yards away. I glassed him and it was another 8 point, but he made the one I shot look kinda small. I'm not kidding when I say this was a solid 150" plus 8 point. He had bases almost as big as Coke bottles, carried heavy mass all through the rack, was well outside his ears and he had great tine length. He walked back into the woods and then 10 minutes later he reappeared with another buck, a nice 10 point. Then two does came out and started feeding near them

    While I was watching them another 10 point sneaked by me and by the time I saw him I had no shot. He jumped the fence into the field and headed towards the other deer. They joined up and started feeding my way. They got to about 80 yards and were coming in perfect when a huge flock of geese flew over just above treetop level. For some reason, the geese scared the deer. They scrambled for the woods, went in and never reappeared.

    I got up this morning and made the 4 hour drive home empty handed. I'm disappointed in myself but it was still a great trip.
    Team Haastyle, Oldcarp, ash d and 2 others like this.
  7. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    Glad to hear things are looking up for you Ty.
  8. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Man I tell ya though all the crap that happened last week had me zapped HARD - it was causing issues just in general cuz I was so pissed and frustrated. Needed a little glimmer of good news.
    Oldcarp and LittleChief like this.
  9. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    Well, I'm glad you finally got some good news instead of what was seeming to become the "usual" bad news.
  10. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    @LittleChief that stinks on the buck, but man sounds like a solid time was had even if nothing fell and stayed that way.

    I also will update everyone after I go back through the camera pictures that the thieves didn't get to see what bucks might be around. I suspect between the trespasser going everywhere and then the bedding area disruption/construction Highrise will skidaddle as he always does even after we visit to work the place - but hopefully during bad weather or such I can slip out when no one is building and bucks should still cruise by.
    LittleChief and MIHOYT89 like this.
  11. Bone Head Hunter

    Bone Head Hunter Grizzled Veteran

    Aug 6, 2012
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    Southern Indiana
    LC I wanted to ask if that Grim Reaper had the tip broken off that you shot the buck with?

    Couple years ago I shot a buck in the shoulder with a Grim Reaper WT special and the tip broke off on it.
    I didn't get him and as a matter of fact I saw couple more times that year later in the season.

    Not a big fan of the WT specials. I think mine were the stainless steel model. Weak tip in my opinion.
    LittleChief likes this.
  12. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    Yeah, the tip broke off but if I'd put the arrow where it needed to go it wouldn't have.

    Based on where the hit was we are guessing that the tip actually embedded in a rib while the blades were buried in the scapula and the movement sheared the tip off. The first deer I killed this year I hit the shoulder blade also, but it was a doe and it punched right though. I remember posting, though, that it wouldn't work on a mature buck. Eerily prophetic words now that I think about it.

    I'd have had better luck with a gut shot. :sad:

    I either have to learn to avoid the shoulder on big bucks or switch back to my Slick Tricks. I'd bet if I'd had a Slick Trick on that arrow he'd have died.
    Bone Head Hunter likes this.
  13. farmer rick

    farmer rick Weekend Warrior

    Dec 31, 2011
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    LC that's tough luck on that buck. It happens to all of us. Sounds like you had lots of action on your hunt.

    Nothing to do with your situation but few years back a friend was bragging up Grim Reapers and saying how I should try them. Bought some, shot into a round bale and after one shot the blades wouldn't stay closed. Surprised me as I shot a bunch of other broad heads and never had problems shooting them into round bales.

    My baler makes a very tightly packed bale. Broadheads will only penetrate a few inches. Either I got some defective heads or they couldn't handle the sudden stop.
    LittleChief likes this.
  14. farmer rick

    farmer rick Weekend Warrior

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Fletch thanks for your earlier post about mock scrapes. I started some a couple weeks ago, some great results so far. Pictures went from dozens in two weeks to hundreds. Surprised me on the number of does and fawns checki MFDC9620.JPG WGI_5575.JPG MFDC9613.JPG ng them out.
    MIHOYT89 and ash d like this.
  15. S.McArthur

    S.McArthur Die Hard Bowhunter

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Greenbrier, Tn
    Opening weekend is upon me! I think I'm ready, I can't go Saturday, but I'll get out Sunday afternoon, maybe even try to sneak in a morning hunt. Wind is ESE, which is not helpful, unfortunately, all the land I hunt is blown over by that wind, so I may have to hunt a spot I don't want to. Worst case, I'll find a "safe" wind spot and glass/recon/whatever; or say screw it and hunt wherever and hope for the best. The ozonics machine can only do so much.
    MIHOYT89 and ash d like this.
  16. Brett Smith

    Brett Smith Weekend Warrior

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Springfield, NE
    Headed to Florida Thursday morning with the wife & grandkid
    Back Monday
    I plan on hitting it hard once I get back
    Wife leaves town October 23 for a week or so & I plan on hunting every night while she is gone
    Cat away the mouse will play

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    It was a great trip based on sightings and encounters, but it was one of the hottest hunts I’ve ever been on.

    Also, other than sitting on a tree limb all day when I was a kid, that lock-on stand I was in was the most uncomfortable Thing I’ve ever hunted out of.

    Still, I’d do it again in a heartbeat for another chance at those big bucks.
    MIHOYT89, Oldcarp and ash d like this.
  18. Mudlake3

    Mudlake3 Weekend Warrior

    Aug 11, 2012
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    Buskirk, NY
    My season doesn't open till Oct. 1, but it's got me itching rewarding about the hunts so far. My wife and daughters have gone to visit her family so it had left me with a week to do last minute prep before the season.
    Washed all my camo last night and got it all stored away as well as tuned my broadheads. Going to scout and hang cameras tomorrow and all that will be left is to practice shooting out of my saddle.

    Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk
    Oldcarp, LittleChief and ash d like this.
  19. ash d

    ash d Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Upstate NY
    Everyone seems to be on good shape for the season. Ready to defend. I still have to wait until the 1st. Great team to be on.
  20. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    I am in the process of washing my hunting clothes I used along with some mid weight gear for the upcoming cooler temps.

    I have a package of four Slick Trick Magnum 100 grain heads that are going on my arrows today. I’ll carry four of those and two of the Grim Reapers I have. They may come in handy for a turkey or something.

    I’ll be on stand here at my place this afternoon and if a big doe walks by I may take my frustrations out on her.
    MIHOYT89, Oldcarp and ash d like this.

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