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The Orion Syndicate (#12) - 2020 & 2021 Champions

Discussion in '2022 Deer Contest' started by tynimiller, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    Well team, no bucks but I did put down doe number 5 this evening. It's a long story so I won't post it here but it is posted in the LFTS thread.

    I got VERY lucky on the shot. A big mature doe was on HIGH alert when I took the shot at 30 yards. Not only did she drop, which I anticipated, but she dropped A LOT, lurched forward and leaned right to turn.

    The arrow blew through both tenderloins and cut the aorta. She made it 30 yards.

    I could have doubled on another adult doe or a fawn, but I didn't really want to double and I don't want to shoot another fawn anyway, so I got down, found my arrow and dragged her out before prime time.

    She's all cut up and on ice, my gear is all prepped for tomorrow and I'm totally reset.

    Let's do it again! :tu:
  2. farmer rick

    farmer rick Weekend Warrior

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Congrats Johnny! Your a deer killing machine lol. Makes me tired thinking about butchering that many deer.

    Deer hunting weather here, dusting of snow on the ground this morning, snow flurries on and off all day. Had a fork horn and some does and fawns around my blind this morning. With the flurries I hunted same blind in the afternoon. Had some does and fawns close, guess I'm buck hunting.

    Good luck to all the team hunting!
    LittleChief likes this.
  3. Brett Smith

    Brett Smith Weekend Warrior

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Springfield, NE
    If you have ever pondered if a skunk will stink after its shot the answer is yes

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  4. Brett Smith

    Brett Smith Weekend Warrior

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Springfield, NE
    Was not able to hunt yesterday as I ended up working late
    Momma gave me a kitchen pass for tonight & tomorrow morning
    PS: do not shoot skunks

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    LittleChief, Oldcarp and ash d like this.
  5. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Will be hitting a new stand tonight ive never hunted. It will be to check the camera there as much as hope to shoot something. Swamp Property again, lower numbers of shooters known, but that 200 acre swamp no doubt holds unknowns if ya know what I mean!
    LittleChief and ash d like this.
  6. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Actually retract that, landowner has now told us he doesn't want us parking anywhere but behind the house. Zero good way to get to the stand i wanted to hit without TERRIBLE entrance/exit routes. If it was November I'd risk it, but being October 17th I think best not to do that.

    I am either hunting the ground at a different property with zero knowledge of but permission or staying home.
    LittleChief likes this.
  7. ash d

    ash d Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Upstate NY
    I was thinking of hunting a different property tonight as well but the wind doesn’t look to promising for my set up so I’m going back to the same one I was at this morning but different spot. I will be hunting more oak flats than bedding tonight. My camera didn’t pick up much from the spot I was at this morning either.
    LittleChief likes this.
  8. fletch920

    fletch920 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Just threw in a ladder stand and climbed up. Overlooking a good riverbottom trail leading to clover.
    LittleChief, Oldcarp and ash d like this.
  9. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Welp happy I went and sat the stand i did...

    Amazing night in the stand...4 or 5 different bucks seen, all but one within 14 yards. Biggest was a 120ish buck running away from a buck he'd just fought in thick stuff...never saw the winner.

    Thought long and hard about shooting two big does that stood at 17 and 22 yards for ever feeding...

    Yearlings were running does everywhere...idiots.

    Rut ain't starting but like normal mid-October the youngins are itching and pecking orders are forming...the pre rut is about to light.
  10. Oldcarp

    Oldcarp Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jan 29, 2012
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    Sounds like the Team 12 did well this week.

    I had a fun hunt up in Idaho with my son. It is always fun to see the grandkids.
    We hunted hard. Saturday we covered 7 miles and not an easy 7 miles. That afternoon we spotted 5 deer across the canyon. We got the scope up on them and could tell there was a 25ish inch 4 point with four does. It took us over two hours to work over to them. (I'm not as young as I use to be) They spotted us at about 500 yards away and started moving up through the scree and rocks. We only got with in 460 yards of them. My son is a pretty good shot out to 400 yards but with the wind blowing as hard as it was and with the deer moving it just wasn't a good shoot for him. So Sunday we we tried the back side of the mountain he went up over and never could find him again. We did see 36 elk and 8 antelope. The next couple days we spent trying to find deer again. On Wednesday late afternoon we found a couple bucks bedded down. One was a 20 inch 3 point and a spike. We got with in 260 yards when they spotted us and stood up. I practice with my rifle out to 300 yards and felt really confident on the shot. I was shooting up hill that was fairly steep and didn't take that into consideration. Needless to say I shoot under the 3 point and he took off. The Spike ran 20 yards down hill to a ridge and stood there for me. So I took the shot and of course didn't miss the Spike. My son teased me about that. I told him I took the small one so it would be easier to pack out:biggrin:. So Thursday we went to his house cut up the deer and I came home to spend time with my wife Friday and on Saturday the opener of the duck hunt with my other two boys and two of my granddaughters. Yes they each wanted to shoot a coot. It was a fun week for me.

    Attached Files:

  11. Oldcarp

    Oldcarp Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jan 29, 2012
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    In two weeks I will be headed out to Kansas to hunt the family farm. Hopefully I will be able to contribute to team 12's points.
  12. Brett Smith

    Brett Smith Weekend Warrior

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Springfield, NE
    Got winded by a doe last night
    I was in a ground blind & heard her but no see her
    I hate blinds
    Back to the ladder stand

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    LittleChief likes this.
  13. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    Sorry for being negligent regarding the team thread. It's been a busy couple of days.

    After I shot the doe Friday evening I decided the best thing for me to do since I was alone was to get down and get her out of there before anything else showed up. I saw her fall, but being colorblind and alone with a double on the ground in the dark is not a good thing. She was a good sized doe. She field dressed 92 pounds.

    I got her cut up, in a cooler and got ready for the muzzleloader opener the next morning.

    I got set up yesterday morning with both my bow and my muzzleloader. That was a pain in the butt using a climber, but I made it happen. I knew that I would use the TC Encore for does but I wasn't sure about bucks. Note: It's a real pain walking through thick woods carrying a bow and a gun.

    Saturday morning was perfect. The new moon movement should have still been good and the temps were low. I just knew I'd see that big 10. I'm pretty sure I did see him. Just before I turned off the paved road I saw a big buck crossing the road heading to another property. This was only about 300 yards from my stand. I knew that wasn't a good sign.

    Anyway, I got set up and waited..... and waited.... and waited. The wind was hitting me in the back so I shut the Ozonics off so I could hear well.

    By around 9:30 I'd seen a fox and a group of raccoons. I was about ready to say forget it and get down when I saw does coming from almost dead down wind. There were five of them. One huge lead doe, two mature does and two fawns. I grabbed my TC Encore and got into position.

    I waited until the lead doe got to 20 yards. She turned broadside and I touched the trigger. That shot removed the top half of her heart and she piled up 30 yards from my stand. I reloaded, moved my bow from my Third Hand bow holder to my muzzleloader hook and laid the muzzleloader across the rail of my Summit Viper.

    Ten minutes later I was about to get down when I caught movement to my right. One of the other mature does was coming back to check on the one I'd shot. I was actually thinking "No, don't do it because I will kill you". All of the others were following. Sure enough, after about 10 minutes of her stomping around she got to 30 yards and gave me a slightly quartering to shot through a small opening in the thick cover.

    I pulled the trigger and she mule kicked, bolted and made it into the picked corn field where I heard her crash. I didn't bother reloading because I swore back in 2017 I would never triple again. I meant it. I climbed down and walked over to the first doe. She was BIG. I walked to the field edge and stepped out of the woods. This was about 20 minutes after the shot that killed her, but when I stepped out three buzzards flew up off of her.

    I didn't really enjoy the field dressing, loading, skinning and quartering part of a double, but I got it done and did get back out that afternoon but didn't see any bucks. I sure could have killed a couple more does, but no thank you. Three deer in the coolers was enough unless it was a big buck. This morning I got on stand and it was raining off and on. I was sitting there and suddenly it dawned on me that I don't want to kill a buck with a gun this early in the season. Heck, that's why I was hunting with a bow and a gun.

    I got down, collected both my stands, drove to my brothers house, loaded up and drove 2 1/2 hours home. I'm pretty worn out now and I now have three deer to process. I'll take a break for a few days until I get these three processed and my internal batteries recharge.

    Oh, the field dressed weights on the last two does were 109 pounds and 81 pounds according to my HME digital scale.

    I'm gonna be putting a lot of venison in the freezer this week.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
    farmer rick and Oldcarp like this.
  14. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    I have wondered about that from time to time. Thanks for answering the question.

    Better you than me. :lol:
  15. MIHOYT89

    MIHOYT89 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 24, 2015
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    SW Michigan
    Morning gentlemen! I am currently in Ohio, first morning hunt got rained out unfortunately. It’s supposed to warm up towards the end of the week but after rain all day today I’ve got high high hopes for tomorrow.

    Tough luck Ty, you’ll get redemption!

    I’ll be off and on throughout the week. The time is almost upon us and the big grind starts for me as soon as I get home.

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  16. S.McArthur

    S.McArthur Die Hard Bowhunter

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Greenbrier, Tn
    Fellas...I think my wife's schedule is finally calming down...I haven't been out in two weeks minus taking my son out this past Friday. Figures the weather would start warming up this week, but oh well, I may get after it sometime.
    Illinois trip is planned for next week when the weather cools, I am really excited to get up there. I have a good feeling Illinois is going to be good to me this year, it will not help contest wise, but sharing with you folks will be just as good.
    That's all, I have nothing else exciting to update about, it's been a crazy two weeks, I need some field time.
    Oldcarp, tynimiller, MIHOYT89 and 2 others like this.
  17. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Well fellas yesterday I planned on heading to the swamp property, where I had the good hunt Saturday night, check cards before or during rain along the main trails (leaving a few buried ones unchecked) there and tire tracks were everywhere...tore up our small clover/rye plot, than a small rye one down a lane and throughout the edges of the woods...I was pissed.

    Well landowner comes pulling up in his Kubota, didn't recognize my new truck, and he was pissed about it too and assumed it was his idiot grandkid...his phone starts ringing and it was his grandson. It WAS his grandkid, but his grandkid was calling to tell him when he was back there he chased two hunters down the lane and they jumped the gate onto the neighbors and took off in a blue chevy truck. Awesome....

    This property borders 200+ acre protected wetlands which you aren't supposed to hunt, but I know douchebags do...the area though used to be insanely good. Talking one booner on cam a the trespassing, poaching and terribly annoying pressure applied to the property from the landowner and others it just isn't what it should be.

    Frustrating day, instead of hanging a couple cameras over fresh sign, I spent time hanging a 15 foot high cam on the gate entrance and another tucked off a trail hidden solely to catch trespassers....

    One small "brightspot" is the oldest and biggest known bucks are still alive as of just a few days ago....sadly though I don't think I have a buck over 4.5 years old there to chase, and the 11 pointer is a 3.5 I'm pretty sure - but will shoot if given chance. Attach a couple here...I'm so glad my place so long as no trespassing issues there as well (numerous over the years) has some of the biggest bucks I'm chasing on it and not this place.
    LittleChief likes this.
  18. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Crap, attached here.

    Attached Files:

    LittleChief, ash d and Oldcarp like this.
  19. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Well had a terrible but amazing sit this morning. Decided to hit my place for the first time all year, a lot has changed over there in the past year - logger came through, neighboring 5 acre scrub/brush/bedding got cleared for a new contstruction project and to kick it off the property to the north is going through a sale and has had buyers on and off it some....needless to say not ideal. BUT these urban deer are semi-used to it. I was buck only hunting, but did have 5 different does and yearling buck make an appearance between 9:30AM and mature buck though - but the card pulls post hunt showed me that unlike all the years in the past zero buck movements on this part of the property at the moment at least. Not terribly worried as fall sets in, crop fields come out and rut starts up so long as my late season food sources can provide it should turn on.

    Does suck though, this place has always been awesome for summering bucks but all the commotion eliminated a few normal spots from bedding options for the big boys. Guess we wait a few more days for full pre-rut to hammer in.
    LittleChief and fletch920 like this.
  20. S.McArthur

    S.McArthur Die Hard Bowhunter

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Greenbrier, Tn
    I'm going out this evening, it's hot as crap but I don't care, might head to the pond, or just sit on the creek so I'm not sweating an stinking all evening.
    LittleChief, tynimiller and fletch920 like this.

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