Full blog to come soon. I want to thank Scott and the family for a great time in the OH, even if he tied up all the deer until I left. :D Overall it was a great trip, the deer hunting was tough as they were on serious lockdown with the abnormally high temps. On Friday morning I saw a doe, an unidentified deer and I had a buck grunting and making a rub before daylight. Scott put me on two shooter bucks on Sunday, the first day that we had some semi-cool weather... unfortunately they had other things on their mind than walking through a shooting lane. Can someone find the thread about when you have a buddy coming to town, the odds of putting them on deer? I might get to do some ball busting here. :D The Facts: 1. There is NOT a P&Y behind every tree in Ohio 2. 30+ hours on stand in GREAT locations... 5 deer sightings 3. Shooter bucks move in the middle of the day, you just have to be there. 4. Quaker Steak & Lube wings are the greatest of all time 5. I will NEVER shoot at anything other than a deer (ie turkey, coyote, etc.) while I'm in pursuit of a buck. 6. Buckeye kills bucks because he knows what he's doing, not because there are big deer everywhere 7. Squirrels will come to the can call. 8. A Guinness float is about as gross as it sounds 9. It's not a numbers game 10. Ohio deer are afraid to feel the wrath of Oklahoman arrows 11. Scott has a camper painted in Scarlet and Gray titled "The Tressel Vessel." 12. If Isaac comes up with another bum knee, it has something to do with the word "Volunteer." 13. Freak Daddy's shed is something that you never want to let go of after you touch it.
Sounds like a blast Dub. The putting a buddy on deer, fish, or turkey works out that way more so than not it seems to me. LOL
Yes there was some serious ball busting going on at the Lube, and of course those are the greatest wings on all time. Great hanging with you and Scott again it was a blast.
haha...priceless, Buckeye wouldnt share..... All your facts are true except #10....there just smarter than the oklahoman arrows, they smelt ya when you cross the border....ha Sounds like a good time
Dustin, I wanted sooo bad to come hang out with you guys but I had prior family commitments. And #4 is so true, they just plain rock!
Pat & Ryno (the perfect combination of Ryan and Rybo)... It would have been good to have you both there, I'm pretty sure that if Buckeye (or Mrs. Buckeye) will let me come back... I'll be there! I mean how long after a guy is exposed to those wings can he really stay away?
In a few years when I finally get to buy my travel trailer, I'm gonna head up Scott's way and spend a few days chasing after those bruisers myself... and the wings are at the top of my list to try! Glad you guys had a great time; it's awesome getting to hunt with friends from on here!
Well since Scott is such a good friend I would expect him to pack some in dry ice and overnight them to you on a weekly basis.:D Give me more notice next time so I can get things lined up on my end...
Sounds like a great time !! You sure Scott didn't hang his dirty socks out before you got there ?? I am still not convinced they weren't his socks nor were they planted by one of his stands last year. Those Oh-ioans are sneaky/no punches pulled bunch when it comes to hunting. Scott is a cut above average... just saying. Lastly... Well of course there isn't a P&Y behind every tree there now... Scott shot one a couple weeks ago. It is simple math. 1000 trees/1000 P&Y. Scott shot his so 1000 trees/999 P&Y. You needed to look behind the other trees... not the one Scott shot his behind. Duh !!! LOL :P Seriously I envy you guys... would have loved to have been there. Tim
Now who isn't salavating at the sight of a Guinness Float!! Blah, those really are disgusting. I sent you an e-mail today, Dustin, about some prices