Been a rough season and a half for me. I’m going for broke the remainder of the season and going DEEP!! Bow hunt AND die if I must!! I’m think of hunting in the big saddle west of the military crest. It’s a 2 1/2 mile walk to get rhere but I haven’t seen a single deer all year... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If anyone sees another of interest, please point it out. Inside the red of course Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This little flat with the steep terrain above and below creating a pinch point might be worth taking a look at.
That is a nice buck. I only have one like that one here in north east Texas. Are you hunting more south east Texas on Davy Crockett national forest and the Sabine forest? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I really like those saddles and the ridge going down. I would also look at the small saddle at the bottom of ridge as well. It looks like a nice pinch point. They are going to be a long walk. What I would do is walk up to the saddles and keep walking till you find something you want to hunt Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Ok cool. Never noticed that, that is what it would look like terrain wise. I’ve looked at the topo thousands of times!! The predominant wind is W/ NW So I could tuck in right against the steep bank. I’d have to cross the run on pinch point though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks like a good area. What's your options for paddling in on that lake? May cut out a lot of walking.
it’s a mile and three-quarter walk down hill to the lake from where I park. I really need to do my homework during the off-season, when there’s a little bit of snow on the ground. I need to put my boots on the ground. For some reason I’ve just never done it here, and I’m pretty sure that’s why I’m in this dilemma for the second year in a row.... So it’s pretty much all my own faultLOL Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I scouted up there last year at this time. The big saddle is the most huntable. I found the military crest, and there was an obvious buck run on it, but small rubs, and no scrapes. Not sure if that’s normal? Would a mature buck using a run like that make rubs? The smaller saddles and the ridhe going down, is thick thick thick nasty Mountain Laurel. Almost impenetrable. The dashed line is a hiking trail, the only path through. Going to be going out Friday morning, hunting for a few hours then taking my walk down there. I’m not in the best shape, but I’m not afraid to walk. Being that deep, getting a deer out of there will be almost an all day process. That being said I’m only going after a byuck Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm honestly not too knowledgeable on buck runs and what the bucks do and not do on them ( like rubs or scraps) I have only hunted one buck run so I definitely don't want to give out false information. Do you have any cameras setup on this public land? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I haven't gone that far south. I hunt on the CORE land on lake wright patman. I have yet to kill a deer on Texas public land! Lol I sure am trying too. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Hmmmm....interesting... scary far.. almost a 3 mile walk but at this point I don’t care!!! Can you explain what you see there? Do you recommend I be on the point of the hill? Or the SE side? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk