Mr. Magnet... I really can't get a feel for his non typical side at all... But, here is what I think about his right side... main--25 g1----3.75 g2----8.5 g3----8 g4----3 H's---19 67.25 Inside spread 22
I know Scott, he had some crazy stuff go on with that side, he broke his G-3 off while in velvet and it stayed connected to the inside of his main beam. I am not sure if it fused in after he shed his velvet or not, I never got pics of him after the velvet was gone. The year before those pics were taken he was a perfect typical. Here are a few more angles of him along with him the year before...
You were a little on the short side. I don't have the exact measurements here with me being there at my friends place who kept the sheds that I wanted!! I do though remember what each side measured out at. The left side was 68" and the right side was 65" and the inside spread we figured at 18" so that came out to 151" gross. I remember the MB's being 23" on both sides and the G1's are both 6"+ also.
You sure it was the same buck? :d Not doubting you here but I could not even see him scaring 140 from those pictures mid 130's maybe. I guess they (pics) are just deceiving. It just takes a lot of tall tines to make 150 inches... I just don't see it there.
Shultzys #1 Mainbeams: 21 21 G-1: 5 5 G-2: 4 4 G-3: 9 8 G-4: 4 4 Mass: 15 15 Totals: 58 57 58 57 Spread: 18 133 Gross
Oh yeah, its the same buck. The tines are just a little taller then you thought. Not a big deal Buckeye, can't be on all the time. I'll call him up and get the measurements if he didn't already throw them away. Another thing too, the camera is pointed down from a tree at the deer also. I don't think it gives the 2 pictures of this buck credit for what it has on its head at all. Notice in the closer pic he's looking up at the camera. If his head was level you would see much more of his tine length.
Here are the measurements buckeye. Left side G1-6 1/8 G2-7 G3-9 4/8 G4-5 MB-23 H1-5 H2-4 2/8 H3-4 2/8 H4-3 7/8 Total=68" Right side G1-6 G2-6 5/8 G3-9 G4-4 MB-23 H1-5 1/8 H2-4 2/8 H3-4 H4-3 Total=65" Inside Spread-18"? 68+65= 133"+18= 151" gross
Little late now, but here was my guess at Shultzy's buck pic. G1 4 4 G2 4 4 G3 6 7 G4 3 5 MB 23 23 SPREAD 18 MASS 34 135 GROSS I think what makes that buck deceptive is that his body is probably way bigger than we are used to seeing and using as reference.
Scott, Here's my score: R- G1: 6" G2: 11" G3: 5" G4: 10" MB: 24" C: 4.75" - 4" - 3.75" - 3.75" = 16.25 Rt. Total = 72.25 L- G1: 6" G2: 9.5" G3: 10" G4: 7" MB: 22.5" C: 4.75" - 4" - 3.75" - 3.75" = 16.25 Lt. Total = 71.25 Spread: 17.5" Total Gross: 161" Net 150"