Oklahoma Hog Hunting Adventure. February 2009 Starring: “Dastardly Diamond Don” (Mobow) “Six-Pack O’ Booners” Balls (Bols) Scott “Nuttin’ But Boots” Abbott (Buckeye) Dustin “Crappy Guide” DaCrew (Dubbya) If there was one word to describe this trip, hilarity would rank high on the list. Anyone who has been apart of “hunting camp” knows it is much more than sitting in the stand, waiting for the game to pass your tree. It extends beyond drawing your bow, settling the pin, and releasing the shot. Sure, this hunting adventure lacks the latter, but we didn’t skimp on the fun. I wish I could say, "That's All Folks" to Porky the Pig, that the Three Little Pigs didn't have to worry about their houses 'cause they all ate broadheads, and Miss Piggy was finally silenced and destined for a BBQ. Unfortunately, this just wasn’t the case. Somewhere in those woods, the pigs had the last laugh. Scott and I joked around while on stand the last night, stating the pigs must have been scoping us out. The scout pig Ralph, must have went back and warned the rest of them that two skinny fellahs destined to spill blood entered the woods that night. Ralph also warned that a fat feller, Diamond Don, shot and killed George the night before, but the rest of the pigs assured Ralph they had already buried the carcass. The very first afternoon we decided to try our luck in getting to Dustin’s hunting property. After a brief meeting at Dustin’s place of employement..... .....we were armed with aerial maps, an atlas, and I was assigned the role of head navigator. With Don driving about as fast as he can run, we were off to the lease. My navigation talent really shined but was assuredly repressed by Scott and Don, who were both desperate to cry we were lost. Needless to say we passed all of Dustin’s landmarks such as, the exceedingly abundant pump jacks, “The Badlands” and we even passed D*** Dipper Pond..... It must have been too good to be true, but when we arrived at the exact location we needed to be, Scott and Don cried wolf, made me call Dustin, and we ended up starting over at the property entrance. On the phone, Dustin again navigated us past D*** Dipper Pond, “The Badlands”, 45 pump jacks, and finally to the exact spot we were parked at before. It was there I pawned Don and Scott while making it certainly clear how right I was. This trip taught me another great lesson about how hunting is less about the kill and more about the adventure. Waking up each morning was rough, much from staying up too late the night before. One morning I made the executive decision the hour and half trip [with Don persistent on driving under the speed limit] to the hunting lease wasn’t going to happen. For that very reason, much of this trip was fueled by Monster and Amp..... When we weren’t pretending to hunt hogs, we decided to see what Oklahoma had to offer and scouted a piece of Dustin’s property. Below, Don caught me trying to read an aerial map. Since we already know how well my maps skills are, I wasn’t nearly as confused as I look..... We saw a lot of “ponds”, as Dustin called them. Scott was pretty adamant these weren’t ponds, only mudholes. This is coming from the same guy that called the Mississippi a
You woke my wife up. Errr, I woke her up, but it was because of you guys. That actually made me laugh out loud... Sorry, "LOL". She hates me right now. Loved the ending. that was funny.
Don, incase nobody has told you. I think you have a pheasants ass stuck to the back of of your hat!! Sounds like you guys made some memories and killed some brain cells along the way. That is what huntin camp is all about.
That would have been one of the top 5 stories ever posted on this site until the pan away pic of the semi In all seriousness though it looked like you all had a good time. If you ever need someone that will beat the hell out of their F-150 give me a call, it is deer whistle free and still has a nice dent in the back bumper.
Man I tell ya.......guy gets caught going 2 mph under the speed limit ONE STINKING TIME and never hears the end of it. Us law abiding citizens get no repsect I tell ya! Notice there was no mention made that we did 4-6 over the limit the rest of the time, and at one point I even realized my truck has a governor in it.....Hm, who would have thunk it?
Yeah, I'm not sure as to why they wanted me to have the feathers in my hat and they didn't have to.......I guess it's just because I'm cool like that. That's how I get crunk.
That was an AWESOME write up Mr. Bols!!! Sounds like you guys had a great time ..... now if I understand right, Mobo's name hould be changed to ......... Moslow :d
Great write up...group hunts are my favorite...first weekend of turkey season, and first weekend of bow-deer season sound very similiar to this for my buddies and I
Looks like you guys had a great time. Maybe if you weren't laughing on stand so much you would have seen some pigs! :d
lol! That's about right, he was pretty puckered up when he was trying to keep up to my 99mph GMC speeding venison missile. It took Donny one hour and 37 minutes to get to the lease... when he followed me, it took 1 hour and 6 minutes:d :d
Funny you should mention that Jeff. On the way home we also saw a motorcycle tooling the highway in roughly 35 degree weather. The best part, the guy had a set of crutches strap to the back cargo rack!! If there is a definition of hardcore.....that might rank right up there!
It was a pleasure meeting you three guys from up north....even if you do have goofy accents:d I still think Dustin and I are the ones who speak proper English...
Good meetin' you as well Will. Watch a "National" Newscast.....Southern draws are obviously sold separately when it comes to PROPER English. It is similar to those crappy chrome accent pieces you can put on vehicles. You might have sweet lookin' 4 X 4 truck, but once you add on those cheap "accents", the look starts to head south. Waaaay south. Like missing teeth south.
You guys look pretty darn bundled up...what were the temps like?? Good write up Bols. Looks like a good time.
Bundled up?!? I guess you missed this photo.... :D Actually, that morning the ambient was around 32 with the wind blowing at about 30 mph. I thought my stand was a rocking chair. The afternoon was a little warmer. Less wind, somewhere in the middle 40's I believe. The group photo was taken in the afternoon.