I put the finishing touches on my bowfishing rig this morning, and Lenny (who I've managed to talk into becoming a member of BH.com, LDAWG) decided we should head for the bridge again. We've had quite alot of rain here lately and we knew the water would be up and muddy, but we didn't really care. And we were exactly right, up and MUDDY. Emphasis on.......muddy. Chocolate milk. Muddy. But, no matter. We both missed right out of the gate and on my second shot I nailed this big guy. Lenny happened to have a scale in his truck and this one weighed in right at 12, not bad, not bad. It was a little slow, that was the only one I managed to stick, but Lennster (aka, bubbles, his stripper name.........:d ) shot a few, including this HOG.....This bad boy tipped the scales at just a tick over 21 lbs.......nice shootin brother. He told me once today he would rather be lucky than good but I know the truth. He's just a good shot, period. John, yer gonna have to come along one of these times!
"Bubbles" is only while on stage and for clients. Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag... We did have fun shootin' fish. Did you figure out the shooting to the right thing?
I can see I am gonna have to free up some time and make the trip one of these days. That sure looks like fun!! Maybe the week after the GTG we can make plans.
You are very welcome to come. It's a blast. Be sure to bring your boots...not for the mud, for the BS.
Really, the only thing I can come up with is my left leg must be 6" longer than my right, causing me to lean. This is almost certainly what's causing the problem. :d And he's right, John. Except........you may want to bring hip waders instead of boots, cause the BS do indeed get pretty deep! Hey ldawg.......don't you go shooting them all while I'm gone this weekend! Really, I think you should get a case of "I C Flu on Friday and come along. Maybe we can hook up the boat if John comes along??
Oh.........I took my oldest son out to that spot later that evening.....The water had dropped, I kid you not, over a foot since we were there and get this.......He don't shoot to the right at all! First shot right out of the gate he smacks a 10 pounder!! He must have had a good teacher is all I can say!
No you don't. Consider yourself lucky that so far you don't have them. They completely take over a creek/river, and are actually rather dangerous. A person could be seriously injured by one of those jumping critters. They're a downright nuisance, to be honest with you. They've only recently made their way to my area, and the creek that runs behind my mom and dad's house never had them. Now, they're all you see. Thousands of them. They suck. Kill 'em all.
Sounds like you have created another addict (your son). I will keep an eye on your spot while you're gone. I can't make any promises about not shooting them all. They deserve it. I think I feel a touch of that Flu comming on.
If that flu does jump up and grab ya.......gimme a holler. If not, you get out there and shoot every one of them bloody things! From what I've seen, you, me and 20 other guys wouldn't be able to put much of a dent in 'em.....
We have them in some of our large rivers but i have not seen them in the feeder creeks/small rivers yet but im sure its comming soon.