Well, my hunting buddy and I built a new ground blind this past weekend. It wasn't fun in 100 degree heat, but it needed to get done. We took 2 cattle panels and bowed them up to create the main frame. We held them in place with one T-Post on each side (4 total). We covered the remaining holes with goat wire. We draped a tarp over it and zip tied it down. After that we used and old green car cover to help camo it in. This blind is huge, I can stand up in it and dang near do a cartwheel:D Sorry the pics aren't so great. The camera kept dieing on us and we only had time to snap two pics. You can see in the first pic we have two shooting windows. The hole in the back is for getting in and out. We are going to make a flap to cover it up and make it darker. Total cost= $0 (we used stuff laying around the farm) I plan on taking some better pics later this week when I go back out to check my camera.