Hand shock, noise and vibration are all things that are felt by the shooter and make a bow more or less enjoyable to shoot. It has nothing to do with accuracy or being able to kill an animal with them. It's simply about making a product that is better than the previous models. It's like the quality of ride of a car or truck. They all get you from Point A to Point B, some are just more enjoyable to drive.
@Justin, I imagine you have watched/conducted more bow reviews than most. Have you ever seen a bow launch an arrow with less wobble than PJ did with the Elite in question here? (I realize a proper-spined arrow is a big part of that equation.)
I didn't pay much attention to that part of the video but I would agree that arrow spine and bow tuning would have more to do with how much the arrow wobbles or flexes when it's shot. I'll go back and check it out again.
Handshock may not bother you or even most, but it can cause some shooters to change their grip which ultimately can effect accuracy. I do not shoot my BowTech as accurately in 3D as I do my Mission Ballistic. Hunting situations or flinging a few to make sure everything is still systems go before a hunt is not an issue, but when I use my BowTech on a 3D course by the end, my accuracy suffers. Why? I think it has to do with handshock and I start unconsciously gripping the bow harder. Or at least that was the case before I BowJaxxed the F out of it. Now it's pretty dead in the hand and I haven't shot a 3D course since I put all that stuff on it. And yes, I do sometimes shoot an unbraked .300WMG (with a synthetic stock no less) and by shot#3 you can bet your butt I am flinching a bit.
best examples seen from about the 10-12 min marks. He also said that the bow he is using is set at 70#, so it's not like he's not getting a lot of energy transfer. If that bow/arrow combo was out of tune in the slightest it would show. Those arrows fly out of there perfectly flat, and start rotating almost instantly. Never seen a bow and arrow combo look that efficient.
I equate the whole "hand shock" thing to noise, all it does to me is help indicate how quiet the bow is. I'm sure you probably had a hatchet cam speed bow from the '90's, remember how loud they were? Now think about how much they jumped in your hand in comparison to most of today's bows. I shot my old hatchet cam bow accuracy wise every bit as good as I do my current bow, probably better since I was younger, stronger, and had much better endurance, but the difference in shooting each of them is like driving an old straight axle pickup vs. one with independent suspension. So less "hand shock" to me means a quieter bow that perhaps won't make the animal "jump the string" quite as much as a bow that really jumps in your hand when it goes off. That's what I use the whole hand shock thing for when comparing bows anyway.
there is a difference in vibration/'hand shock' between my '06 Ally and the Ritual 33. With the Ritual it is dead in my hand and very quiet, now the Ally is still quiet, but there isnt a comparison vibration wise, the new Ritual wins hands down .... but I still shoot the Ally just in case I need it as the back-up ....If the EnVision was at a minimum 33" I could be interested, it isnt, so I'm not .. I'll see what the future holds and hopefully it is a 33-35 inch version with IBO of 335+ish ....
I don't feel much of anything with my VXR. Maily because it's a fairly heavy bow and it is built like a tank. Both of the elites i had, E 32 and Impulse 31 were shock free bows. and I shoot a light arrow, 375-390 gr. 60-72 lb on these bows. The Elites to me, were a little bit smoother and a more fun to shoot than both Mathews that i have owned. I do like my Mathews, but I loved my elites, especially the E32. If all the local shops would have kept them I likely would have bought another, although I didn't like the feel of the grips on later models. And, I like short ATA bows and anything over 30 now just doesn't like me.
I have other expenses which have led me to not be planning unfortunately on getting a new bow this next year... ...then my one friend, who works for a bow shop and has sold his soul to Mathews, sends a text that said the Envision is the nicest bow he has shot out of the new ones this year. He's still getting a V3x but that makes me desperately want to go shoot the new bows.
Elites are truly amazing bows to shoot. Apparently, they are hard to deal with according to every local shop here. all three have dropped Elite, or else I would still be shooting one. I did really like that they were the only company still using solid limbs until a few years ago.
Yup, reason my friend is not buying from them. He said their CS ruined him ever desiring to give them money again. He doesn't work at the shop I go to personally (he's states away)...but my personal shop had them for one year the year the Kure came out and they dropped them due to CS issues. It's bad when shops are saying this all over.
I doubt it's a not caring issue. It's likely a personnel and leadership issue. Not having the right people in the right places can cause all sorts of problems.
Seeing the same thing here. Our Elite dealer didn't even get one. The manager has made several calls to Elite and they don't even act like it is a big deal....
I bought that E32 in 2015 i believe. Maybe it was 16. I cant even buy parts for it. They drop support for models that are only 4/5 yrs old. Ive been trying to buy a new set of limbs for it and was told they no longer make them. Cant even find the ones i want used. Makes you think twice about buying from a smaller outfit. They arent even considered small. I bet i could find parts for a 5 year old mathews or Hoyt.
Im going to shoot them all again this year. Im going to buy one for next season. I sold my xbow to my aunt and i dont like not having a backup. Ill probably check out the prime, mathews, and hoyts. I hope prime is better customer service and product support than elite. Anyone know?