Has a Mathews look to it. The cams definitely catch attention.. will have to shoot. May be time for a new toy.
LOL I’m not seeing anything massive as claimed personally. Marketing doing its inflating and exaggerating
Lancaster always does a good job on their reviews .... darn nice bow, but the A to A Im not sure about ... may have to go shoot one ...damn it ...
Despite it being underwhelming I may got try it out at the only local dealer this weekend or next. If I do I’ll let everyone know my thoughts.
I was going to say something about almost seeing de-lam but didn't. Sorry, I just think it looks a lot like a BowTech. Cams and all. And I shoot a BowTech.
Shockingly different from my Synergy... ... Almost like they 'threw out the rule book on what a bow should look like'
my BowTech has a similar riser 'gap' although it's more oblong; that's where I put my BowJax dampeners and it made a HUGE difference in noise reduction.
Show me a bow manufacturer that doesnt overhype their bow. Im pumped to shoot it. But i will shoot them all
having watched the video now, I gotta say I am a bit intrigued. Love the adjustibility and tuneability. I noticed how dead in the hand it was when PJ was shooting, and also -0- arrow oscillation or yaw. They were darts.
I get a kick out of bow manufacturers touting axel to axel length. When at full draw, those lobes on the cams add another 5". Lol. As for handshock, really?, I know plenty of guys shooting unreal scores 35 years ago. Handshock is some made up marketing BS. How many thousands of people shoot 300 Win Mags and not suppressed/braked? Not discounting ELITE brand of bow at all, just the topic came up and I felt like chiming in. And those prices for a bare bow are crazy! Hand shock ain't gonna make one single person kill more critters.
Yeah I am still fairly noobish to all this, and dont understand the purpose of touting hand shock. price not really a shocker especially with inflation and all HAHA. Buying a bow feels alot like buying a car. Better off looking for a good used one as opposed to one right off the lot.