In my circle of friends that bow hunt, I have taken the biggest bucks and more deer than them over the years. Im always doing something to better myself as a bowhunter, they do little to improve. It shows every season. Now, does this mean Im a better hunter?? maybe... Does it mean Im a better person? No it doesn't. Harcore is a mindset to me. Im not as hardcore as many on here, but I am when it comes to MY hunting circle. what do you not get about my statement and why does this seem to bother some people?
Priorities enter into it as well .....I always say this.. hunting is different to each guy ... my priorities this year will be different than last year .... the cycle of life, I guess.... next year I am almost positive they will be different than this year .... to each his own and I won't judge any .... Due to some of the info I ahve gained from the guys on here, my "hardcoreness" will seem to have increased .. when in reality, it was just knowledge leading to proficiency (I hope )
There is the best answer yet..but for me, I guess that makes me HARCORE to MY buds whom I hunt with..
My circle is very small. I'm probably "into" bowhunting more than anyone I know, but I am FAR, FAR away from being hardcore.
I have 2 friends at home that share the hunting passion pretty equally.We all need psychological help!
Me too.........not really what I asked though. You're so close man.......just say it There's nothing I "don't get" about your statement...........I just wonder how/why some guys equate "hardcore" to a badge of honor regardless of success. Let's face facts man, it's probably THE most common definition guys self gloss with so don't kid yourself or others into believing when guys say "hardcore" they don't see it as "better". Your opening post and 1,000 other examples of that are not hard to find. Again, if your "hardcoreness" isn't proportional to your success then I just don't see the correlation. I knew a kid in college who worked harder, studied longer, and dedicated every waking hour he had to school........yet he still couldn't keep his grades up. He wasn't "hardcore"..........he was stupid. God love him for trying but I certainly wasn't about to emulate him.