Mecosta County , I hunt my 25 acres with my nephews, been out once 4 doe , neph will be tonight for weekend of hunting and leaf rakin. GOOD LUCK TO ALL jeff
Buddy of mine has hunted the past two days in Montcalm Co. Lots of chasing. Got a nice 7pt this morning.
Going to be a good weekend in the woods, low of 30° and high of only 50°, with the moon at 19%, thats what im talking about.
Well since no one else has posted pics I will break the ice. Not the biggest but my first buck with a bow. Basket 8 pt. Shot him November 6th around 5 pm. Hunting Van Buren Co. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Screwed up year for me, probably going out next weekend for first time since middle of November. Had these canadian guys from Windsor doing deer pushes on their quads north of our property from Gun opener all the way until end of November and it really screwed up the property. Going to try and sneak in for a late season sit, hopefully the bucks are comfortable moving again, if not, always have 2016!
I am not seeing/ getting pictures of crap for bucks right now... Doe's yeah there around but bucks are hiding pretty good. This is in big wood/swamp areas though crop lands might be a little different. Could really go for some cold weather and snow right now though
Quiet in the Kalamazoo area.....heck just finding time is the issue. Sent from my Z665C using Tapatalk