Anyone else have deer watch them while you shoot your bow? This evening I had 2 fawns watch me for 20-30 minutes. Then I took a break and went out just before dark and was put on hold as I watched 4 bucks in my yard. A yearling 7 pt, a real nice 7 pt, a 115" 10 pt & the big 130 class 9 pt. After they left I got a few shots in before dark.
I had a doe one year watched me after i stoped her the whole time...later i thought it was kind of weird i mean sit there and watch your death as it unfolds..
Had it happen last year. A few of the regulars that were visiting my apple trees watched me shoot from 20 and then 30 yards, when I went back to 40 I was too close for comfort.
The answer is NO, I never let them know what I'm up to. They never know where I am. I practice stealth year 'round.
I have had deer watch me or be around me while I was practicing.The 130 incher would have had me talking to myself while I was shooting.You want to lull them in to a false confidence.Like while the big deer was watching I would have missed the target completely just to have him be over confidant.When he smells you in the woods he would continue on his path past your stand and not be the least concerned.
Thats pretty cool Ryan I have had them watch me from the yard while shooting but they were probably 100 yards out,,,,they fear not come closer, for the wrath of the Dink puts fear in them :D
Two years ago, my wife and I were shooting at our old house and a doe and fawn walked out 10 yards behind the target. I shot the target and they bounded 5 yards to the right and stopped, then Sara drew and shot the target and they just stood there. I scolded the doe for teaching her fawn bad habbits....
They’re doing some pre-season “scouting”. The only reason you can see ‘em is they can’t operate binoculars (they don’t have thumbs).