Very nice, good luck! I too am in the stand this evening. I made it out to Ohio, got some cards pulled, looking forward to checking them when I get home, a few scrapes and rubs popped up around my stand. The one scrape was made directly in front of my cam, hopefully he just shows up tonight so I don't have to wait to check them card to see em.
Absolutely, if I was hunting Alberta. lol Last week of Nov ROCKS in Alberta, but here in SE Pa, things get rocking the last week of Oct and first week of Nov.
Hunting Sunday in Ohio had a good buck under me, but it was too dark for a shot. I pulled my cam card that is 30 yds in front of the stand I was hunting I have a hand full of 1.5 and 2.5 yr olds. I got one good shooter, but my cam died and don't have any recent pics of the shooter. I changed battery's and cards so hopefully I get some new pics of him and a few others, things are picking up in Ohio. I'll be back out there is upcoming Sunday also. Here is a link to the video of the buck [video][/video]
Dang that's a nice buck in that video! I hope you can get an arrow in him. I should be able to get out this weekend here in Illinois then the 29th-1st I will be down in Indiana trying to get it done. After that I have Nov. 7th-15th off so hopefully I can connect with something during that trip before the Indiana gun opener on the 14th. Good luck guys and keep hunting hard!
Taking the week off. Mainly due to family commitments and horrible weather. Its is been hot and windy for several days now. Looks like next week things are really going to start cooling off. I hope to head north and west to get some good hunting in before pheasant season opens. I predict some big bucks will fall! Lets hope some of us are in that group! I did set a couple stands, checked trail cams, shot my bow and did some scouting so I can't completely say this week has been unproductive.
Went out sunday evening and there are scrapes opening up all over. Got a few pics of a shooter from last year. Hes a nice 8 with a few kickers. Id say hes about 135-140. This weekend should get things moving pretty well. We have rain the next 2 days then it cools off for the weekend. Going to be out the whole weekend. Hope everyone else has some luck!
Well I didn't have a chance to get out this past weekend but I am pretty pumped up for my 4 days of hunting this week. I will be packing up the truck and heading out Wednesday night and I already told the wife I won't be back until late Sunday night. The weather is supposed to be awesome for the four days with the highs only in the 50's and lows in the 30's. I bought a boss babe decoy and I plan on trying it out at some point during the trip. Walmart had them online for only $78.
Checking in. I had a good sit tonight. I had a 130" at 10 yards. It would have been a text book harvest. I just couldn't bring myself to settle for a "average" deer with only one buck tag to burn. Things are really stating to heat up. I am finally getting buck pics on the farm I bought this fall. I believe its that time to start really getting after them. BTW, I saw my first fully albino deer ever! I only caught a glimpse of it twice as it move through the timber. I have to say I would have burned my buck tag on it regardless if it was a buck or doe if I had the shot opportunity!
I missed a doe @ 45rds last night. I probably shouldn't have shot because she and another doe were on high alert and as soon as I shot she jumped my string. Clean miss. I have seen a little more buck activity and its making me think my rutcation that starts next Saturday might be right on. Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
I was lucky enough to get in my farm right before the rain this evening and check cams etc... Here is the biggest buck I have on my farm to date. Still waiting for the big boys to show there face however I may have a hard time passing on this guy if he becomes a day walker. I think he is in the 140s but always welcome a sanity check.
That stinks about the doe miss but hey at least it was a clean miss, you'll get another crack. Heckler that's a good looking buck no doubt, also glad you had an incounter with a good buck. I wouldn't have passed a 130, but that's comming from a SW Pa boy. I'll be hunting all weekend sat in Pa and Sunday Ohio. Good luck to all, I have little bucks bumping does and new mature bucks showing up at night at a scrape. Hope they show at daylight.
Just shot a good buck fellows, gona give it some time and go recover. Pics to follow, I ratteled him in at 9am. Time for some Ohio hunting!!
here he is, today was one of the last days I could hunt in Pa due to work, the morning was perfect. First buck I ever shot on Halloween, I have trail cam pics of him over the summer. I was trying to set up on another buck I was after, but after a ratteling sequence he came trotting in, couldn't resist. I'm pumped and couldn't be happier this was my 21st sit of the season with limited time to hunt November I'm glad it came together. Won't score that great but I'm a SW pa boy what do I care! Hopefully I can put a real good one down in Ohio. I'll be working out there so time to hunt should come easy. Good luck boys!
I am in the stand. I've seen 3 bucks and a doe so far. I rattled in one. He was nice. Just could get him to come another 20 yards. He charged in from across the corn field some 300 yards away. Everything happened first thin this morning.
It's been a really slow 4 days here for me. I will post an update once I am back home Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk