same deer? Is this Marco? Color is this season black and white would be last season Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I personally don't think it's the same deer. The brows are significantly different. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I don't think it's the same deer. I have found that even though the rack it's self changes year to year, that the brow tines are usually fairly similar. That is definitely a stud buck and looks better then Marco. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I’m 60/40 same deer myself. Yes the brows tend to be similar but I’ve seen lots of bucks with good brows “lose” them as well. The beam shape is almost identical, he’s definitely got a pot belly and is a mature deer. If “Marco” never shows up but this deer is doing familiar things than that would be your answer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well guys, I thought this would be as easy as putting cameras in the same spots and he would show up eventually but. I’ve put cameras all over this farm for weeks and nothin. I cant even find a spike if I wanted to. We’ve got water/ridges/ corn/ crp. All in a 200 acre spot and I can’t find crap. So where do I go from here, pursue the target buck I can’t find or just attempt to go for the mature deer that hopefully shows up…. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well guys, I thought this would be as easy as putting cameras in the same spots and he would show up eventually but. I’ve put cameras all over this farm for weeks and nothin. I cant even find a spike if I wanted to. We’ve got water/ridges/ corn/ crp. All in a 200 acre spot and I can’t find crap. So where do I go from here, pursue the target buck I can’t find or just attempt to go for the mature deer that hopefully shows up…. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
If ya Can go observe and sit in stand from distance and know the main bedding areas. I beat myself into the dirt chasing a specific deer on multiple occasions. Draining as hell. When I started to hunt smarter and observe from a distance then moved into try and kill a target buck it was better then just stressing on where he was and why not on cams or he wasn’t showing when I was hunting. Take a step back try to see the big pic. If all else fails just hunt and kill whatever sets you off at that moment.
The sitting the stand is a good idea if not to intrusive. Also, if you find the does, the bucks will be there eventually. I enjoy getting good bucks on my cameras but if I'm only getting does, I always consider that a positive as well. Cause I know, where the girls are, the boys will eventually be. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I’d stay out for about 4 weeks and not step foot in there. Let the cameras do the work. Have a mobile setup ready. You probably won’t get a crack at this deer till late October anyways. Don’t overpressure that small area. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's not a surprise but Simon is dead on with this advise. Stay out and let um soak. Go after him on a magic day when wind, pressure, moon, and season say go.
Yeah I’m out until season for sure! But definitely have the chance to glass some fields in the evenings here and there so I might give that a try before season. Really appreciate the advice. And I have been getting does on camera at the new location. There’s a pinch between the corn and the woods rises like 6 ft or so insode the tree line if that make sense. But I get a few does here and there right now but it’s between two bedding spots and close to the major creek bed so I’m confident it producing some good pics Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I will be following this thread. I love chasing and following deer from year to year. It rarely works out but setting a target buck makes it more challenging for sure.
Got my arrow set up complete. I’ll be shooting Easton FMJ with fix blade ramcats broadheads and 50grain inserts. That’s 150g. Upfront!! Checked the charts and I’ll be good as long as my bows at 60 lbs which it will be after this evening Sent from my iPhone using Forums
boom. Designed the wraps myself thank you lol got the arrows off a friend and they were a little short that’s why I got these 50g weights that actually extended the arrow .5” which made them perfect pretty excited to see what these can do. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
From my recent Ohio experience the intel we gather from June to October is about 75% useless. I would definitely glass from the road or afar and wait it out. If he’s historically in the area for the rut then nothing your doing now matter anyways. Let the does get comfy, and there’s the off chance Marco does one of those summer strolls where mature bucks spend some time wandering, you don’t want him to smell you when he does. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I like how they are standing like a progression photo. That’s taken in a fresh cut alfalfa field Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
new bucks are here! Hoping to see Marco in the next few weeks at least by late October Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
holy sheets!, possible first sighting of Marco. Body size follow suit pack is big and heavy mass. And I know I might be crazy but possibly a kicker on the left side. About 30% confident on that hopefully get a better picture soon!!! This could be it fellas!! Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Buy a HD 50 photo package from SPYPOINT, it’s 5$ and you can select which pics you want to be turned into HD. Helped me many times b4 on buck pics!