Location. Yep, its looking like its a big doe bedding area. Last year, in 10 days, Johnny and I couldn't have even shot a doe if we tried. We only saw maybe 6-8 does the whole time from stand. This year, I was amazed when JZ called and said they had seen a TON of does. We'll head down Friday and if we're only seeing does, we'll head back to WI to hunt for a bit and then had back down for the rut.
Good hunting guys and good luck. You certainly had a great group of up and comers around last year while you were there. You guys let me know if you ever decide to head South for any reason. We could meet up for a beer and swap some lies.:D
Good Luck guy's Hey Justin, Mike said this morning it's going to be another marathon weekend for you guy's better stock up on Red Bull. Not to much though or you'll look like Bevis. "I need TP for" you know the rest.:D I would love to shoot Big Rob
Hopefully you guys can nail some of these boys..will it be on the next WKP DVD? or are you going to make a BH.com DVD?
"Piney"...?? That one we'll have to work on... As far as our hitlist.. ya great and all.. but the bothersome thing was the lack of older deer.. as in 4.5 year olds or better. With exception to likely "Dope Ear".. I just don't think they enjoy bedding on our piece. I readily agree its basically a GIANT doe bedding piece. So what I think we're gonna see again this year is alot of 2 yr olds.. we will definitely loose bucks from last year who are aging... learning.. and some likely not even alive. Don't get me wrong.. its cool to see LOTS of bucks people.. but they weren't all that... MOSTLY 2 yr olds.. but great genes in them. We (on our lease) need to get better.. and more ghost-like so anyone of us can sling an arrow at an older buck. Cause frankly.. we just didn't see them much. Just thinking out-loud.. but I think Dope Ear.. Big Rob.. and Stickers will give us fits. We taught those 3 too many lessons last season. It will be fun.. we will drop some deer.. but I don't expect us to see even half those bucks. I think we'll see alot of newcomer 2 year olds.. which means we'll need more names.:D
I like Big Rob and Dope Ear. Those bucks have character. Hopefully if there are a lot of does in there they will stick around until they start getting frisky. That will bring those bucks in there for you. Hopefully if some of the older bucks you saw last year learned too much there will be others to take their place. Good luck.
I believe we may have seen "Piney" for about 5 seconds one afternoon. The same stand LT Dan snuck under us in. I agree with the thought that we're going to see a bunch of new 2.5 year olds, just like last year.....hence my earlier post about dispersal. One thing about our hunt last year.....Johnny and I had never been on the property until the day we almost got run over by the bucks chasing the does. We didn't want to blow through the whole property and mess things up, so we only set 3 stands and used them for 10 days. Which, in hindsight, was a mistake. Now that we know more about the property, I think our chances increase exponentialy. Also, we were down there pretty early in the rut and had to leave about 2-4 days earlier than I would have liked. You are correct, we will drop some deer and have a bunch of new names to pick out....but lets leave JZ out of the name picking and up to us three.