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The Good Dog Thread

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by cml5895, Mar 7, 2019.

  1. Westfinger

    Westfinger Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Sorry to hear.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Germ

    Germ Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 24, 2008
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    "The" Michigan
    In my soon to be retirement I have taken up Photography, I have started my own company and will be doing wildlife/sports photography. This year in the stand I will have my camera also and with the electric shutter it is silent.

    Baily is about 5 months now seizure free, I hope no one has to ever see a dog have cluster seizures, it's just heartbreaking. With new medication he's doing really good.

    Below are some shots of Bailey, he's staring at a rabbit about 5 yds to my left, so my keen hunting skills are in top form as I never saw it.

    Canon R7
    RF100-400mm F5.6-8 IS USM

  3. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    Good fortunes in your new path.

    Yes seizures are very scarey and hard to watch as you hold your best friend.
    My BIL bought a pure bred Samoyed, Strider. They moved way out in the country and on the moving day Strider got loose. Being a city apartment yr. Old pup he went straight to nighbors with free range chickens. BIL and my brother immediately went after him calling his name. Nieghbor who's husband was in the reserves grabbed his AR 16 stepped out on their porch and literally blew a hole through Strders midsection. Long short it managed to miss all vitals. Barely missing his spine. Months later he had recovered.
    Now all that effected him mentally and physically , Strider would have occational accidents. BIL was a pot head that didn't work and my sister was the income provider. He was home , cleaning and reloading a blk. Powder pistol. Strider had an accident. Angry, knowing Striders fear, he screamed at him shaking the pistol in Striders direction. Bam burnt a huge patch in his side. ( having bought and used blk. Powder hunting gun , I call BS on his story) Well I took him and as I was packing for Florida in their drive,they'd moved to a new town,Strider had disappeared. I called and he returned collapsing. I rolled him up on to my thighs kneeling in drive. His insides fell out. Horrified I stuffed him back in as carefully as I could wrapped him in towels and drove 40 miles to the nearest vet hospital. They managed to save him and cleaned my bank account in the process. A neighbor GSD had attacked him. Strider rolled over on his back and the GSD ripped him open from lower rib to penis. Long and short he developed seizures at any type of stress. I ended up giving him to my parents when I got married. He lived to be 17 yrs old I believe. He had occational seizures the rest of his life and was on medication
    The dang luckiest, loving dog I've ever known.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2025 at 12:44 PM
    JeffC likes this.

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