Sorry to hear you lost PITA. Hard to deal with losing a deeply loved friend. Always loved the posts you put up about her.
I decided to have Pita cremated and get her ashes back, she loved a pontoon ride I will give her one last ride. We still have 2 little yappers to keep us company and of course Larry the grand dog, The ice is on the bay and Larry is on constant lookout for the otter he has to let the otter know that he knows and his beller the whole lake knows too.
It has been a few days and to be honest I feel worse, it is so quiet in the house. No more coughing fits, no more anxiety barks the poor damn dog was suffering.
a couple years ago, my best buddy, Missy the black lab, passed away after 15 wonderful years, i swore, no more dogs , also i was in later 60,s ,, this lasted 6 months, I was just so lonely !! I broke down, but looked for a small dog, as i can not go as fast or far as i used to, Found a min pin at a rescue shelter, She had a tough life, police took her away, from that ahole, after 2 years she is the best little buddy !! I still miss Missy, I think of her often, she has a headstone in backyard, BUT I am no longer lonely, and smaller dog was a good choice at this time
Damn little dogs wear you down and win you over. Still have Pita's daughter Gertie she thinks I am the most awesome person ever.
Larry the grand dog is staying with us for a week or so. He is fixated looking out the window waiting for the otter to pop out of the hole in the ice. I have to keep an eye on him so he does not run out on the ice. He bellers every time he sees the otter pop up. Does not work to close the curtains he sticks his head thru.
Too funny , how to tell your two big dogs are sick of the cold weather and bored silly A.J. and Scout go into the sitting room, they both flop down on their sides or backs face to face. They then proceed to growling and snarling as they chew on each others faces and heads. The whole time wagging their tails and slapping each other with their front legs. This goes on for nearly an hour one or two times a day. You'd think they were killing each other to the point I need to check on them once in a while. Mind you we have E collars so they are allowed to run several times a day and I just beep them back if they're not banging on the storm to get back to warmth.
Gosh I don't know how I missed that. I'm so sorry about your loss and hope things are getting easier when you think of him.
So as you know I have two big dogs. BOTH hate nail clipping,or grinding. Never an issue with A.J. due to his crazed digging. Scout, not a digger. Well in summer I throw the winch hook over the porch roof support beam , winch th dogs up in a harness and zippity do dah all 4 done on each. Well winter was a tad rough and nails out of control. I had hubby research then buy me a self locking hand pully system. I have a hook for my suspension gym in the main support beam in living room . Works great to the boys chagrin dangling fron the ceiling as it
It was so windy last night I let the boys out to potty at 1a.m., they were not only scratching but whining to get back in the house. On warmer night I usually have to call them. We are so lucky and prayers to all of you in the tornado prone areas.
Funny since Pita died her daughter has taken over barking at the door to get back in the house, 12 years she never barked to get in till her mom dies, Gerty comes in before her dad and then barks when he is at the door and she is already inside.
Two good dogs were a part of our lives for about 13 years. They were dumped along a road and we got them from through a friend. The one that took to my wife had his front legs paralyzed back in the summer. We hand fed him, held him when we took him out. They were both on medication as they both had some spine issues. Finally, he would turn his head when the wife held food in front of him. Did this for three days. Had him put down in December. The other took to me and when I had surgery in 2020, the wife said he would go all over the house looking for me. After that, he wouldn't let me out of his sight. He would sit outside the bathroom and whine to be let in while I was in the shower. Last week, I was getting the law tractor ready. Wife said he started whining and brought him outside so he could see me. Last weekend, I noticed him sort of slide or stumble but figured it was the tile or linoleum floor. Well...the wife took him outside Monday morning and he just stumbled around while trying to eat. I put him in the recliner with me (his favorite place) but he snapped at the wife when she tried to pick him up. Same with me. He was always active but now would just sit in one place. He would whine like he was in pain. Took him to the vet who did all kinds of tests for sensitivity of his toes, legs, side, etc. Vet looked at his record ans said he was on what he would recommend. We decided to have him put down as we didn't feel it was fair for him to be in pain and unable to walk. I held him until his last heartbeat. Dang, must be a roof leak as the keys are wet. We have a sign: Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole.
Dang John that irritated my allergies, there is nothing sadder that saying good bye to a loved dog. Deepest hole I ever dug I was bawling like a baby burying a white German Shepard named Clyde, his hips failed him too and I would say bud it's time but he would have a good day or too. Finally it was the day and it hurt me to my soul I was a coward I did not stay when he got the shot I regret it to this day.
Sorry for you and your family's loss. Try to find comfort knowing they had a great life and now are at peace.