We have two rescue dogs. One we picked up almost 5 years ago and the other 4 months ago. The larger one is a male Black Mouth Cur. His name is MF Jones. He's 80 lbs, fast as hell and thinks his job is to protect the wife and I along with our property. He is a serious dog as in he takes everything serious. You can tell by the look on his face in some of the photos. This dog is tough as nails. We live in the sticks on 45 acres of which he patrols about 5. He will run everything off of the property unless I am there to stop him. Coyotes, turkeys, coons, deer, Jehova witnesses....everything. He don't understand why I call him off of deer but he obeys. He's the smartest and best dog I've ever had. The smaller dog is a female Pit bull mix. She must have some bird dog in her as she is really keen on birds, even while riding in the truck. She is 14 months old and still has a lot to learn but she's getting better every day. She had been chained up outside and starved. You could see all of her ribs and spine. She has put on 13 pounds in the 4 months we've had her. Went from 42 to 55 pounds. Right now she thinks her job is to wrestle and pester Jones. She never wins but she never quits either. It's a good thing that Jones is so tolerant of her. Oh, her name is Zeva and she loves all people and other dogs. Here are some pics.... Watching deer in the back yard At play At rest I told them we were going to the store to get them some treats and toys! Lol
My best friend is getting old... she finally gave in and is now using the ramp I built. Hoping she makes it till the fall, she loved to hunt. Collin, it was good to see Ruck again.
It's tough watching them struggle, Jeff. Here are some updated Ruck pictures. He is definitely loving Colorado and all of our new adventures here.
Hank is a Rescue I adopted a few months back. He just turned 3 the other day. He was definitely abused by his previous owners. When I got him he would cower anytime anybody approached him and he had been shot at least twice with birdshot (due to the healed wounds on his side and the fresh ones on his ass). The vet ended up removing 1-1/2 oz of lead from him. He is still petrified of guns and I doubt that will ever change so I don't think he will do much hunting, although sheds and blood tracking (during archery season) may be in the works. He has turned out to be an amazing pup. He is no longer afraid of people in the least bit. It only took 10 days to house train him. He doesn't bark, as in never, I have only heard him bark one time in 3 months and it was only a single "Wolf", but most of the previous boxers I've had rarely barked so thats pretty standard. When I first got him he had never been on a leash in his life (at least not one that wasn't tied to a tree) and was absolutely terrible to walk, but he has gotten so good that now you don't even have to attach the leash to his collar, you just carry it in your hand and he will walk right next to you just like he is on it. He comes to work with me most days and just hangs out in my office napping and occasionally getting up to go make his rounds to everybody else's office in case somebody happens to be handing out belly rubs or treats. Yes, I did remember to put the coversheet on my tps report. Annual review time... Apparently everybody needs to be more proactive with the belly rubs and back scratches.
By the way, figured that this might be worth mentioning on this thread in case anybody hasn't seen it. https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterina...rtain-diets-and-canine-dilated-cardiomyopathy I never bought into the whole grain free mumbo jumbo to begin with (whether it was for humans or dogs). Most of the foods that are on that list are the fancy stuff that sells for $60-100 a bag. Kind of ironic that come to find out if all these people spending $300/month on fancy organic free range dog food would've just stuck with the $10 bag of kibbles and bits then their wallet and their dog would've been a lot better off.
Some beautiful dogs!!! Here are my 2 beagles! By far the friendliest, loving dogs I’ve ever owned. They have me completely wrapped around their paws! Sandy is the white one. She is 9 and an absolute food moose! She once ate an unattended box of 50 munchkins in less than 5 minutes... Cooper is the baby at 5. He is a pointer/beagle mix. We rescued him from a shelter in TN. He was only a few months old but had already been beaten and abused. He is scared to death of any man but me. He loses his bladder if there is another man who comes in the house. He is the sweetest dog in the world. He would have been an amazing hunting dog! The last picture is the night Cooper came home to us! It was the same night I was leaving for my Illinois hunting trip in 2014! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Archer gets another mention in the good dog thread today. I brought him on his first deer track job today and he knocked it out of the park. It’s amazing watching his instincts kick in as he followed the path of the wounded animal. All I did was bring him to the arrow. Watch him get excited about it and start him in the right direction while encourage him to “find the deer”. He literally dragged me to her. As a colorblind hunter this couldn’t of made me happier. If anybody west north west Illinois needs a tracking dog on this forum and I can get there I just want to work him. He definitely enjoys it so just need to put him as many situations as possible. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Since my dogs are my pride and joy, lol, here they are! My husband would shoot me knowing I posted his "hunting dogs" in this form. Left is Rem - he is five. Hunting dog drop out. Pretty much just the baby of the house. Scared of his shadow and any odd noise. Middle is Ben - he is 18 months and all high strung silver labrador. He is a waterfowl dog - excels in ducks (doesn't care for geese). Sadly found out he has hip dysplasia so taking it easy on him. Right is Frank - he is two. Mamma's boy, comes to work every day with me (Paramedic Mascot) - but also hunts rabbits. He has a nose to get him in trouble, but pretty sure he'd be content staying with me all the time.
I have not grouse hunted since 2000 when I lost the best bird dog I ever had. Cried like a baby when he died, threw away the field trial ribbons and lost the desire to bird hunt. Still miss that dog, although I swear the little ankle biter I have is reincarnated from him, damn dog follows me everywhere. She has the same yip when she gets a nose full of something we should hunt up.
This is my lab Waylon. He’s almost 9 months now, no recent pics but he’s already about 70lbs. We’ve done a lot of training work over the summer and he spent some time with a trainer this fall as well. I’m excited to get him on some pheasants in the next few weeks for his first hunts.
Ain't much that tears ( as in crying) than those that have good dogs and have lost them. Just something special about a good dog. My dog Roscoe will be 10 soon. He goes EVERYWHERE with me and has since I got him at 8 weeks old. He's never got into the garbage, growled at a person, ran away( even though he's still go his nuts), chewed anything he wasn't supposed to. He's had so many people over the years that did not like dogs change their minds. There will NEVER be another like him and l know the time is coming. I'll be a sobbering mess when that day comes!!!!
Good to hear, I used to believe the lighter the lab the dumber they are. Had a female named Hazel she became god damn it Hazel, damn dog could find anything dead and roll in it.