Thank you. I remember when he was 3-4, I stopped at a gas station in SD. There was a guy pumping gas that had a big fancy truck with some sort of dog training/ kennel logos on it. He seen Roscoe in my truck and asked if he could look him over. I said sure. Brought him out and the guy spent 10 or so minutes with him. He was damn near went ape- chit over him. Said Rosco was a diamond in the ruff. He wanted to talk more but I had a long drive ahead of me. He gave me his card and damn near insisted I call him sometime soon. I never did as I lost his card. Roscoe is 9 now. He's never ran away, been in a fight, got into ANYTHING he knows is not his. I would bet 1000.00 I could put a tbone steak on the coffee table and it will be there in the morning! I've been around labs and many other dogs and there will never be another like him. He's on the couch now dreaming n kicking. Probably chasing a dream phesant
This is archer. I have waited my whole life to get a lab of my own and finally had the means after buying a house in October. Picked him up early February. I don’t think I could be much happier with him. He is also a pointing lab bought in the Midwest. Fearless little guy and smart picks up on things real quick. Also pictures is Cerno (my wife’s rescue mutt) who is a bit stubborn and a pain in the butt so I wasn’t sure if he deserved to be on the “good boy” thread but he took to having a pup in the house better then I could have hoped and has been better since getting him so I gave him the nod for that lol This is one of my favorite threads ever Sent from my iPhone using Forums
What a studly looking dog. I love his square chest. My labs got the same tree trunk legs, and man can he use them.
Their faces before they knew they were going to get poked and prodded at the vet lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tank.American bulldog. Always good in my eyes not so much everyone else. A bull in a china shop with slobber. Great combo. Will not let anyone in the door besides wife, kids and mom. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Just like my wife's little yapper she will whine until you cover her up, you have to tuck the damn dog in to bed at night.
This is our rescue dog the night we brought her home. Her name is BlackBerry. She has one ear perpetually up, the other perpetually down. She's mostly border collie. She does not have the smarts of a border collie, actually, she is as dumb as a box of rocks. However, she loves her family and gets along well with cats. Other dogs are a real problem. We can only assume it dates back to her days as a stray in Georgia.
Took archer on his first shed hunt. Dude was a trooper and it was easy to get him excited about finding the sheds. Hopefully someday he will make it easy for me lol Sent from my iPhone using Forums
He is handsome as all hell. Looks like you've got a real good one in him. When they do end up making it easy on you, there is no better feeling!
Thanks man, he is certainly everything I could have hoped for and more Sent from my iPhone using Forums
This is Luke. We got him as a rescue back in January. He is about 7 months old. They say he is a hound pointer mix. He looks like a Transylvanian hound but not sure. One of the best laid back puppies I’ve ever been around and he is great with our kids. He is also picking up quick on training. Not sure how much I’ll use him for actually hunting but plan on trying to train him to track wounded deer. He seems to have a great nose on him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Chessie chocolate cross best dog I ever had. Still cry thinking about losing that dog 18 years later.Best damn bird dog ( grouse) ever. He took 2nd place with no formal training in a field trial, pissed all kinds of people off a clown with no leash on his dog comes in with a mut and the damn dog brings it all back. He was named after Roberto Alamar better known as Robby.