Some of you remember my son Dalton from the natural voice Gobbling link I posted that Rob made for me. Well He has a bird down that he Gobbled in but with his 870 this time. He was bound and determened to get one with his bow this season and put in some time and effort with it, but time and time again we would get birds in sometimes within 20 yards and they either be behind stuff or behind us. We were out last week and did manage to get a big gobbler in with his chest butted up against the decoy. Dalton was already drawn, shot, it looked good to me, but Damit, we could not find the bird He kept at it until Today with time running out he switched back to the 870. We started off this morning with 6 birds in fron of us that we got as close to as we dared. I even caught glimses of them but they would never commit to the decoy for some reason. Dalton Gobbled at them this morning and they went absolutly ballistic, double and tripple gobbling back at him, he purred and yelped softly. same thing, they went nuts but wouldnt come in. I got it all on film with the gobbling duel between them Well I needed to spend some time with the rest of the family this evening so Dalton decided to hunt near where they were roosted this morning. with about an hour of daylight he called me and said he busted a good one and he had got them in by Gobbling. Seems they were going to the roost about 70 yards in front of him on another hill side. Dalton decided to try and get them closer so he Gobbled twice. He said they perked up and turned on a dime and ended up left of him at 40 yards. BOOM!! all over It is an ugly pic, as he sat for 4 hours in the rain, and after he shot it it rolled down a hill and landed in a big mud puddle nothing uglier than a wet bird :d Next year he WILL be posing with the bow behind a bird. hope you dont mind a gun kill pic, but im proud of the boy. 23 lbs 10 1/2" beard 1 1/16"spurs
That is awesome Crick congrats to him! I've shown a couple of my buddies that video of him calling/gobbling, very cool stuff. One less thing to take into the woods with you.. a turkey call. Who'd a thought
"It is an ugly pic, as he sat for 4 hours in the rain, and after he shot it it rolled down a hill and landed in a big mud puddle" At first I thought you were talking about your son celebrating the kill but rolling down the hill into the mud himself! LOL. Congratulations to the both of you, sounds like an awesome adventure/hunt.
Todd how ya been bud?? If i can ever get high speed service where i live at Ill try and learn how to do that (vid posting that is) I had Rob/pa do the last one for me. Your gonna freak if i am ever able to do that, Id never seen birds so fired up in my life, it was awesome being there with him when it happened.