After I post this a.m., I shower get dressed and go down into the basement to don my harness,pack and bow, and spray the noscent stuff on me.....(I live in a log home on top of a hill back in the woods, my basement is ground level on the front, and I have an outside door), I look out the door and their standing directly behind my target is the young buck with the growth on his face, eating acorns. He is a measured 27 yards from me. I go to my shelves get the can of wd 40 and spray the hinges because the door squeaks, I put my release on nock and arrow and slowly open the door. I'm thinkin it will be cool to kill a deer while standing in my basement with no boots on. Blackhead lifts his head and looks away from me.... I draw my bow and he non chalantly turns and walks away out of range. I shake my head but my boots on and slip out, trying to avoid my dog as she will stand at the edge of the woods whining if she sees me......she doesn't I get to my tree climb up, strap my self in, hang my pack, retrieve bow bow, nock and arrow (montecs, finely aligned with fletching), hang the bow open my pack, take out my binos, put them on the screw in shelf, turn around sit, my elbow hits the binocs they fall 17' to the thought is, damn that was quiet, I then realize I forgot my hearing aids. Deaf, diapers, and cancer... gettin old ain't for sissies. SB talks about himself in 3rd person because that to is cool
ROFL!!!:D Preacher sees 'em before he hears them most of the time anyway, SB :D I take it your back at the house?