I have some foodplot video that I am putting together now, I have some trail cam pics to post too but it takes forever to upload them without using photo bucket Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here are some general trail camera pics from this spring And now we get into summer and the pictures get more interesting! This next buck closer to the camera I have a feeling is a 8 that I had last year, if I am right he kinda muddled along all summer then late July/august he shot for the stars and turned into a really tall 8 for a 2.5. Although I could be completely wrong This next buck is hard to see detail but there is a chance he is sticks from the way his beams are up and his tines look to be angling in. I also am trying to tell myself I see some junk on his bases That last buck looks a lot like sticks, I believe he is a son or a brother with the way he has the sticker going but it's on the other side to be sticks. Also sticks had a rounded snout so I know it's not him. But I do believe he is a twin of a buck to come! Small chance this next buck is a buck that I had last year. If it is he was either a 1.5 or 2.5 last year but he had a split G2 on one side. if he continues growing high and wide beams and his brows tilt in I think he is the same. Up next is another pic of that tall 8 from last year (so I think) as you can see he is starting to put on some height. The only thing telling me he might not be the tall 8 from last year is that I don't think his eyes are the right color? I don't know if that changes but the tall 8 had white rings around his eyes The next pics are fuzzy, stupid canada. First is the "twin" with the full split from earlier. You can see that he might go wide. Second is his twin I believe. Definitely different deer as the second doesn't have G3s yet but you can just see a bump started where the first has a kicker. Both have similar frames, kickers growing on left beams, tall brows and going wide, Twins? I think those last few bucks were all the smaller twin Hard to tell which buck this is but he has enough mass to make me excited! This pic I believe is a bachelor group of three of last years 1.5s. The lighter colored buck is one of the PBR twins (their horns curl out just like a bull) the other two are the pronghorn twins. They looked just like antelope last year. Their growth is a little small if they really are 2.5s but last year I saw 2.5s take off late summer. I'm pretty sure they are the same bucks especially PBR because their racks are almost identical to last year just a touch bigger. I can upload pics in 2s/ea on my phone or 15s/ea on my comp... Weird Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great update... One thing. Get that reconyx out of the weeds!! Those deer should get used to the cam being out in the open fairly soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You have no idea how disappointed I was when I saw that, deer have no problems with that camera but when i placed it there was no weeds! I am going out tomorrow night on my way through town and im gonna round up the S*** out of those weeds! I did move the camera a little bit for now though so hopefully no more weed pictures! Just gotta make sure I don't round up the mineral :/
I just finished a video on some food plot work I have been doing when I get it uploaded I will post a link. I also have a bowfishing video on deck and another foodplot video in the hole!
Here is a link to some video. Not the greatest quality since I was using a point and shoot camera https://youtu.be/FGmYTkHFARg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Enjoyed the video, Brian. There's some beautiful looking land up there! Looking forward to seeing some of those buck pictures this year. Good luck!
Ha yeah it got to be a little much... I just got in the habit of saying it after every clip! Pointers for next time! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This probably should have been posted with the 2014 update but here is a short clip of some hunting I did. First part is public land ND and the second part is around the farm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zPWSKvCFOU
Did a little spraying tonight so I checked cams while I was out there. No big bucks so I think I need to start laying off the trail cam checks. Seems like I don't get the big bucks unless I leave the cams for two weeks or more? Here are some pics though How do you like that set up on the reconyx MnHunterr? I sprayed the crap out of those weeds and put the cam back where it was at the straight on angle but there should be no more weeds in front of that camera, ever! We did jump a buck that looked like he was a 2.5. Definitely wasn't a 1.5 since he was out to his ears and had mass. small change he was big we didnt get a great look at him. I wish I had about 10 more cameras and then I could have the whole farm covered! My focus for trail cams this year is to have almost all of them but the reconyx on active scrapes either mock or natural and try to get some big bucks on camera. My Primos 46 I may even put on video mode since its soo good on batteries. Moved some cameras around and put one on the west half of the farm where there are currently no cameras and hardly any hunters and where I found sticks shed last year. A 185" buck came off that half of the farm and now those guys hardly hunt, even the guy who shot that deer.... go figure
Looking good Man! I would even see if you could back the cam up just a bit? Is the mineral site right below it? I like to be able to see the site in my camera when it takes a pic. How often are you checking cams? I wouldn't think the deer are disturbed by you checking them even once a week at this point. I think they will show up for ya soon! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Farm by MidwestMachine Yeah it's pretty close, that way we can pick up deer in the back of the plot. I moved it a little bit now that we stayed of else the weeds grow up in front and wreck the shot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Did some fall plots and checked cameras yesterday, video and pictures to come! Got some exciting photos to show Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm headed to the range for a bit, they will be up tonight though! I have them all picked out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk