One year we had hundreds of ducks bust out when we jumped it hoping to see a duck... that re sparked our waterfowl game! I have seen over 300 woodies come in on a single night, just most of them 5 minutes after season
we do a lot more pheasant and deer hunting then, and if we do waterfowl usually we hunt geese in fields late season so I dont really know how it is late season. We might hit it once or twice if the northern ducks come down. Last year they came down the friday before gun season.
I went out to put more mineral out and check the cameras. I was expecting a drop in the number of deer from last weeks 2900 pics, but one cam only took 9, and none were deer where I had 900 the week before of mostly deer? I'm thinking something went wrong with the camera even though the 9 it took were today so it went 7 days without taking a pic... I'm gonna bring a back up out there next week and if it does it again ill put the backup out and see what happens. Any way here are a couple from today's pull, only one nice buck this time. Yet to see a fawn on camera but I did see one at the pheasant land on Tuesday.
Looks like I'm going out after work with a buddy to place one more camera and get cards from the two that are out there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was looking at some old pictures again. I'm trying to turn this into a 4 1/2 year old buck this coming fall with my mind. Can anyone else see it or am I trying too hard?
Well I am terrible at judging ages, but I think 4 1/2 is a little on the old side. I think if he was that old he would already have some more mass on his antlers. I would guess 2 1/2 or maybe 3 1/2. He has a decent sized body on him though. I would love to compare but I don't have any of my cameras out yet. Might get a couple out next weekend.
Do they add mass all summer long or what they have now is their mass for good? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Went out last night to check trail cams, me my brother and his kids. We saw over 30 deer on the hoof throughout our adventure including a half dozen bucks and one real nice what looks to be 10 pointer. After thinking about what we saw and the picture that came in, we decided only 2 of our 6 cameras are in a good spot. I might go run and put the other four out tonight after work! Pics were nothing special to post but we did set up a camera over this spot last night Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looking good. Did a driving tour past all of our farms last two nights. Saw a lot of does and small bucks, including the biggest spike I have ever seen. What part of west central MN are you again?
Last night we went out the the farm to get some spraying and mowing done and even ended up planting some radishes. My uncle, cousin, dad, and brother, and cousins friends were all out there. My uncle is the major land owner out there and didn't get all his beans in so he planted some radishes in a part of one field by the woods. He also made a new food plot in the woods that we now call the "doughnut". I checked the cards from all six cameras and got my first fawns on camera and some nice bucks. My brother decided to name the ten pointer LaCarpetron Dookmarriot after his favorite youtube video Key & Peele East vs West bowl.
We dont really have access to that equipment, he did use it to till up one food plot but he uses it for his farming which is his main job. We have a ranger with a sprayer, the biggest diesel john deere lawn mower you can get with a mowing deck, it also has a pto so we have a brush hog and roto tiller which is plenty good for our food plots.