You guys actually have me wanting to try facepaint... Everytime I draw on a deer, I forget to pull my mask down to anchor, properly... face paint-problem solved I have enormously large ears... the mask pushes them flat for hours and makes them sore... face paint-problem solved Everytime I look through my Bino's with mask on... they fog up... face paint-problem solved... I'll report back after further testing.
I said I wouldn't but I really do need some facepaint now. I don't want to wear a facemask with my ghillie suit and need something to conceal my baby face. Is the halloween facepaint easy to remove? I looked at Carbonmask but was wanting different colors...probably doesn't matter though.
For sake of everyone else, some of you guys should really be wearing a mask instead of paint. Not everyone is pretty like those Siman brothers.
Alright... I have to say I want to try the face paint again. But this thread should be called war paint as most of you look like you just throw some crap on your face and call it good. Not sure if your paint job is really that effective. May want to take a look at this vid if you are serious about it.
I've been using Hunter Specialties face paint and I can't believe how well it has been coming off. Just a paper towel and you're good to go!
I've hunted half at least dozen times so far this season without success. The first time i put on face paint (last weekend) - I shoot my first deer. I don't think i'll be going back to a mask unless seriously cold weather calls for it
I have never felt the need to cover my face. I might pull a neck gator up over my mouth if its cold. I usually just pick up my bow which has a quiver full of arrows attached and hold it in front of me to help hide me face and to break up my outline if a deer is close.