Yeah that stinks! I Hunted hard the last three days and saw one deer the whole time! Taking today off and then I will be hunting the next 12 days!! Hope it pays off!
Ok guys sooooo. After I took the picture of the deer on the ground when I found him the other night I had to drag him 300 yards across a bean field in tha dark. Had my phone flash using as a flash light. Tripped fell broke my phone. Since I live in bfe I have no home internet and could not take the pics needed for the contest. But I did get a new phone yesterday and got my pics. On the way to the taxidermist. Hope they will work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm off for the next 4 days and will be hunting hard, the weather here in Illinois sucks, it's been way warm and is supposed to rain tomorrow, I will be out and hopefully they will be moving early! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
I'm in the stand now. Nice and warm seventy something degrees. Was starting to see deer then my neighbor went flying by on his quad down the gas line thirty yards away. Ugh
Good luck, I'm in a tree also, nothing moving yet just squirrels! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Had a nice shooter Buck chasing a doe tonight but he was about 80 yards out! Finally the woods are starting to come alive again!!
Took this nice doe this evening, will get it on the scorecard after I get her out of the woods. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Hunted this morning watched a spike chase a doe all around for about 25 minutes then had a small Y buck come through aroun 9:00. Got get down and do a couple things then back out early afternoon! Good luck to everyone hunting!
Nice doe. I got out with my wife and son Saturday night, trying for a doe for her first deer and a buck for me. Saw seven, nothing in range. I grunted an 8 point into 45 yards and he hung up. First rutting behavior I have seen this year. My four-year-old laughed at a funny moment in his movie as my wife was lining up her shot on a doe, so neither of us got anything. It was still a fun night for us. I have Wednesday off for Veterans Day, I am planning to spend it by myself in a tree, so hopefully something will go down then. The deer are just starting to act like the rut is coming . The next three weeks should be great hunting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well I have seen 7 bucks in 4 days of hunting and two were definite shooters. Things have really heated up so hopefully I can make it happen! I am off for the next 5 days we will see if I can get it done!! Good luck to you guys hitting the woods this week!
Sorry I haven't been on much. Between work and bowhunting and family just haven't taken the time. Congrats to those of you who have scored. Have seen 3 shooters so far but had some bad luck with the biggest as he was bedded down with a doe while I walking in. The doe is what set them
Well after a windy day in the tree i finally joined the cool kids club and tossed the cheap-0 belt tree harness and went and bought a HSS ultra flex. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk