I'm starting this year. Just wondering how everyone positions their cameramans stands in the same tree.
Like I said I haven't done any filming. But I have set up a couple stand sites for it a some friends set ups. We've always set the camera man stand on the exact opposite side of the tree from the hunter. With the platform of the cam stand about the same level as the seat of the hunt stand. That way a deer comin on the kill side of tha tree won't get much of the cam man due to the tree.
Not a problem. Again like I said I've never actually filmed but tha way seems to work for a few friends of mine.
Going out tonight. How's everyone doing? I've seen deer all sits but one. Can't wait for some neighboring bucks to start strolling through. Property adjacent houses some nice bucks
I have two more weeks before I can get in the woods so this week I headed down to North Carolina to fish for Bull Reds! I can't wait to get in the stand! Good luck to all of you that are hunting!!
Well I got the last one out up today. I am now ready with yet another spot for next weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just had two does walk by at ~30 yards but was too lazy to shoot. Hopefully one comes in a little closer soon