Get above 20 ft. And take every precaution possible to minimize your scent Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
Yes I do! Ive had bucks and does walk right under me, circle me and follow the trail I walked in on ( I wear it on the bottom of my boots and tag random trees as I go) and not think a thing about me. It has worked for me so far! I tagged a 9 point with my Matthews helim as it walked my ever calm path. When I hunt I rarely hunt without it
Couldn't get back there last night before I set up. I can't access from the east as we don't technically own the tree line nor the buffer strip along it so I need to make the trek all the way around from the south. Once the beans and corn are harvested I can then cut across the field. I didn't want to risk bumping deer by walking all the way around so I stopped and hunted about 10yrds south of the snowmobile trail on the field edge. All the deer came to the field from either the hillside to the north or from the hillside to the south and walked out into the field 40-150 yards out from me. Hence why I usually gun hunt this field. No predicting where they'll come from but you can reach them with a rifle anyway.
Well I am around 20. Prolly 18th to platform and I spray like hell even through out my hunt. But this evenin the wind changed on me and was blowin me right in the direction of where the majority were comin from and it was hitn them right in tha face. Could deff tell it too. It was like there was a trip wire at 50 yards out. Wasn't strong enough for them to bust out of there but the obviously got spooky once closing in. So got my camo washin in scent killer detergent right now and gonna dry with tha scent killer sheets. Just left walmart and got some earth scented wafers to hang around me.
Have you tried taking pine branches and putting them in a container with your camo to sit through the week before your hunt? I have friends that do this and their camo smells like cedar and the scent killer just gets sprayed on them and a little on there clothes and boots. Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
No I haven't. I have in the past. And it crossed my mind this evenin after the first deer or two caught my wind. But haven't yet. Might cut a few in the mornin after I get out of the stand.
Hmmm pine. I hadn't thought of that. What do you guys keep your camo in? I have a water tight bag that I've used for the last year since only have 2 of each piece. It started to fail so need to replace.
I use the green HSS scent control bags. I like the bags because they pack easier into the SUV as opposed to big square tubs. I keep my cold weather gear in one and early season lighter stuff in another.
I keep my heavier winter clothes in a Tinks scent control draw tight bag and my early fall clothes go in one of those green scent lock bags!
I use a tub but I've seen people use unscented trash bags and vaccum seal clothing bags. Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
Pine is something you can find all year round and most everyone has enough to last them forever lol Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
Dang. It's alrivht. I made a bad shot on a doe Monday. Looked all day. Found nothing. Terrible feelin. Hit her real high and back. Though I hit her spine but must have gone under it.
At least y'all got shots at deer. Better luck next time. I've seen deer get shot high and back and still live. Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
That sucks, I lost a nice 6 like that once. Didn't find him for 3 days when I did he was just a skeleton. Kept the trophy. I think I posted about that on this site with pics. 2 or 3 years ago