Went out yesterday mid day and made repairs to one of my ladder stands, put in a mock scrape, freshened up my mineral site and pulled the camera card. I won't be back in there until the season opens now!
I did this so well last year that I didn't fill a single tag. I wanted this one deer so badly that I was afraid to risk anything screwing it up. Put in over 30 days trying to get him. BIL later shot that deer at the end of gun season (after only hunting 4 days all year). Not making that mistake again this year! This year I'm taking any mature deer that gives me a good shot.
I have no idea what is going on with the other side of this bucks horns! Pulled this from across the street from my house and it's the only pic I got of him!
I sold my bow to buy a ring and just got engaged to the girl I have been with for 4 years now! This last saturday I proposed to her on target 15 at the pse state shoot and i8mytarget and his wife were there. He got it all on video. Y'all have a great season and I hope y'all win. Just figured I would let my former team know why I dropped out since I was short on details of why I did this. Everything looks like its coming together for everyone! Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
Thanks everyone! Were excited for this spring to get married after turkey season lol. Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
Everyone who knows me and knows how much archery means to me was blown away I got rid of my bow. They thought something was wrong or the world was ending lol Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
Okay, that's a good enough reason. Congrats on the engagement! I hope you two have many wonderful years together. FYI: my wife was good enough to understand the sacrifices I made to buy her the engagement and then the wedding ring, that after our wedding she bought me a new bow (Insanity) as my wedding gift. While I always get the urge to upgrade, I'll probably keep it just because. Moral of the story...plant the seed/hint now.
Thanks jaminwi I've already talked about getting a new bow and I said I'd wait till after the wedding but she's already asking me how I'm going to make the February trip to Louisiana for regions pro/am. Lol I would never get rid of a bow she got me! Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
Man congrats. That's awsome. Sounds like it's all comin together for you. Happy for you both. Stay In touch so u know how we do through out the comp
Picked up another hang on stand and a new cuddeback trailcam! Going to scout behind some swamps I haven't gotten to yet and possibly set up another stand!
I would guess he has had an injury to the base of the antler. That might prevent it from growing with a normal look.
Has anyone's season started yet? The Arkansas archery opener is September 26. Unfortunately, I will be missing it for the first time in six years. I will be Alberta chasing elk during the opener. I know, don't feel sorry for me. It will be October before I get my first deer hunt in.
Mine starts Saturday morning for antlerless. Then antler starts in October. So hopefully a doe down this Saturday am Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk