No I have a buddy that does them professionally. But there is a lot of DIY kits for cheap on the web. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stands hung and lanes are cut. Still got a little to do but were set up and ready Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk
He said if I let the gnarly one pass he would let the other one pass for me, I told him I couldn't make that promise
Who practiced over the weekend? I shot about 50 arrows from 60 yards. The picture is my best group. I was consistently grouping on a pie plate sized area from 60. Hoping to be doing that from 80 before the season starts. By far my most relaxed and productive practice season of the summer so far.
Yeah, the rain was bad especially Saturday. I was able to get out for about 45 minutes between the storms.
Just broke down and bought the new block black target, new mutiny arrows for my back up now. (Bowtech tomkat) it's bout to get real lol
I shot for about an hour on Saturday! I shot from 10-40 yards all around my yard and was quite pleased with how I shot! I am ready for the season to get started!!
I stuck a handful of arrows in my rhinehart block this week. Going to move my trail cameras from my three spots where I've gotten a crap ton of does but 0 bucks. Gotta find them boys on this property. Ever since land development started on part of it I haven't seen much of them Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk