at 61 Pastor Jim you're still a youngster...well OK I only got you by 4 years. But at 65 I'm getting ready to drop the poundage from 55 down a bit to keep the shoulder happy. its the price of staying in the game. A great man to look to regarding aging and bowhunting is the late Jim Daugherty who was shooting a 40 or so pound bow to keep hunting when in his 70's and fighting cancer. so as long as you are getting out there hunting, regardless of the poundage, you are still in the game. As for getting old, if may suck but it sure beats the alternative. Good hunting there Pastor and congrats on losing the 100 pounds...that will keep you in the game longer for sure.
It's about comfort, not the number. I'm 38, bench 405, squat 500 & do bent over rows with 165, my hunting rig is pulling 60#. So I wouldn't worry about it, just do a little resistance training & have fun.
Congrats on the weight loss, old guy. I'm down to the low 40s in draw due to a bad shoulder. I'm going to try real hard to tag an elk with my bow this year despite the low #s. Good luck to you!
Congrats on the weight-loss jim!! I bet the woods will be a whole new experience for you this year! Can't wait to hear about it!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats on the weight loss. Like was said before, you can do a whole lot more hunting at a healthy weight with a lower poundage bow, than a high poundage bow and not where you want to be health wise.
I shoot at 57#, I could go higher but I can hold the 57# back all day and just wait for the right shot... So to me that is worth it. What broadhead are you going to use this year?
pastorjim08 Congrats on the weight loss ,you'll notice a big differnce getting in and out'a of a stand. Did the limb weight change from 65lbs to 50 and still couldn't draw my elite so it's up for sale right away so I can pay for my new crossbow. Good luck to you! Rocky
Congrats on the weight loss! I agree with everyone, good move. Health and safety are always number 1 when hunting. "Hunt when you can, you will run out of health before you run out of money" - Randy Newberg
Congrats on the weight loss !! I would worry about lowering the poundage a bit,your probably still in better shape than most 60 year olds.
Congrats on the weight loss. I agree with everyone that said don't worry about the poundage. If it is comfortable to pull, and enjoyable, boom, you are good to go! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hang in their Jim and keep at it. It aint over until we are in the ground or scattered all around. 55lbs is more than enough poundage to humanly take a big game animal. All you gotta do is get in the boiler room. Quality not quantity right. You got this.
First off, Congrats on losing all that weight! You gotta feel great. Secondly, don't sweat the 55#. I started bowhunting in `77 ( I started when I was a little older than most) shooting 53# and haven't ever hunted at more than 62#. I have shot plenty of deer making quick humane kills easily. Aim small, shoot straight with good equipment, and you are good to go.