Thats a cool list there Will, I like the philosophy of hunting the hunters. Quck question out of all of those wich would you rank the most dangerous at bow range. My ignorant guess will be the hippo, I have heard and read horror stories about them in some of Capstick's books. And I honestly didnt know it got very cold in africa.
Yes Zach, The hippo would get my vote as first also. They are not as lumbering as people would think. It's funny, when a black tracker sees a hippo, they usually head the opposite direction and in a hasty fashion. That says a lot to me. These guys know their stuff...
I don't know what my dream 5 would be. I'd have to taste the animal first. With that being said.. I've had moose and Elk.. So there's two I'd like to chase.
Cougar (4 legged kind) Gator Deer in Ohio Deer in Iowa Deer in Canada I would say elk or moose, but I'm kinda lazy and fat. Me and mountains probably would end bad. :D
I've been to Africa hunting with a Rifle and killed a Kudu, Gemsbok an Red Hartebeast but I would like to do it again with my Longbow in hand! All the animals I lisred would all be Longbow kills as well! Kudu Red Hartebeast Elk Bear Canadian Whitetail
1. Odocoileus virginianus (300#, Dark Rack) 2. Alces alces (Canadian or here in MN) 3. Cervus elaphus (DIY anywhere) 4. Canis latrans (where ever) 5. Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (I'd like to smoke about 100 more of these) All bow, no guides.