I am sure this has been discussed before, but the wife and I were discussing this over dinner last night so it is kind of top of mind to me right now. If money were no issue, nor was time or accessibility, what would be your dream 5 animals to take with you bow and what would be the circumstances surrounding the hunt? Here is my list and circumstances: 1. Elk: I have been elk hunting 1 time and it was out of the rut, there was very limited bugling and the cows were not over vocal. My circumstance would include hunting them during the rut. I enjoy interaction with the game during the hunt and I think that if I could hunt them during their rut and be able to call them in would be awesome. Dream scenario would also include a crisp morning with little or no wind. 2. Moose: I think moose are cool. I have never been close to one but they look like a really big animal. I would love to do a spot and stalk type of a hunt on a moose. A light drizzle and cool conditions would be ideal. I love watching the moose hunts where they hunt them in the swampy stuff, way cool. 3. Mule deer: I have shot mule deer with a gun when I was young and living at home. I never got after them with a bow. My ideal conditions for hunting a mulie would definately be a spot and stalk type of a hunt in the caprocks along the canadian river (back home.) I am going to try like heck to get back out there next fall and hunt one with my buddy. Conditions would be cool and dry. Nothing better than smelling the sagebrush on a cool fall morning. 4. Canadian Whitetail: Pure and simple body size is what draws me to these deer. I know I can hunt whitetail any time but to get the chance to chase one of the monster canadian brutes would be pretty dang cool. I would like to go when its not too terribly cold up there. I dont like -40 degree wind chills. A little snow on the ground and in a tree would be my ideal conditions. 5. Kudu: the only animal that is not native to NA on my list. I am not really huge into the African game but on my dream list is the Kudu, they are a beautiful animal I think. Would make a gorgeous shoulder mount or maybe even just a rug would be pretty cool. I dont know if there is any other condition in Africa except for hot, so thats the one I will go with, a hot afternoon sitting in the brush over a waterhole, there you go. I realize that my list is not real extravagant but as of right now these are my dream hunts. I think that this next year or 2 I will be able to get the Elk and Mulie hunt down. Whats your list like???
Kodiak Brown Bear Elk Stone Sheep Caped Buffalo But Whitetails will remain my favorite and I'd like to hit a lot more than 5 places on them alone!
1. Elk in CO/NM during the rut 2. Kudu in S. Africa over a waterhole 3. All 4 turkey species in one spring 4. Whitetail in Canada 5. Mountian lion with dogs, I always thought that would be cool
Elk- Any state out west In prime Bull elk habitat Grizzly or Brown Bear- Some year It will happen Big Muley's out west where ever Antelope hunt out west Hunting B&C Whitetails In a state that has many more of them then Mn
I wouldn't be able to choose five "dream animal hunts". Perfection for me would be whitetails/gobblers/elk with my buddies. That simple. Just take off an entire week and pair up in two's so we could film it all. Cabin...tent....hotel...whatever, as long as it is in known trophy ground that's not pressured.
Taken from B&C website.... Pack your bags and head to IA STATE # OF ENTRIES 1. IOWA 615 2. MINNESOTA 608 3. WISCONSIN 589 4. ILLINOIS 552 5. TEXAS 316 6. MISSOURI 285 7. KENTUCKY 279 8. KANSAS 255 9. OHIO 235 10. MICHIGAN 155
Here is as best as I could do. 1980-2001 Distribution has shifted to include the mid-western states, where deer herds are growing, aided by excellent habitat. The top 10 states are IL (509), IA (507), WI (395), MN (293), MO (244), KY (242), KS (235), OH (199), TX (159), and IN (138). The map shows the dominance of Midwestern states during the last 20 years, especially the last decade. States and counties that yielded many entries during the previous period have, by and large, continued to produce; but they account for a smaller percentage of entries. The top 50 counties are distributed in the following states: IA (17), IL (11), WI (6), KY (4), MN (4), TX (4), ME (2), MI (1), and MT (1).
Good Info Scott but times have changed here In Mn. Mn will keep dropping In that list as time goes on. Mn Is nothing like It once was, not even close.
1. Huge, mature dark antlered brute Whitetail around the 300# range in Canada. Just an old dark brute. 2. Polar bear. 3. Grizzly bear. 4. Moose somewhere deep in Canada with Jim Shockey as my guide. Never hunted with a guide and probably never will but I think he would be a cool guide to moose hunt with. He'd have to let me use my bow though instead of a T/C:d 5. Large cat either Mt.lion/cougar or some big cat native to Africa...leopard,panther etc. Would want to hunt them with bow only....well maybe someone backing me up with a rifle...you know just in case I saw a show last night where a leopard hunt went wrong and one of the guides got mauled somewhat...it wasn't pretty at all. Hunter did not put a good shot on him and they had to track in the bush and yep you guessed it, the leopard charged.
In no particular order.... Western Kentucky Whitetail Oklahoma Whitetail Iowa Whitetail Illinois Whitetail Montana Whitetail
Dream animals: Whitetail - MS State Record Yukon Moose Barren Ground Caribou High Country Mule Deer Montana Elk
Assuming we are bowhunting here. 1.)Coastal Brown Bear on the AK Peninsula or Kodiak Island. 2.)Chamois & Himalayan Tahr on a mountain hunt in New Zealand, DIY. 3.)Alaska-Yukon Moose far too big to fit through any door. 4.)Australian Water Buffalo as wild as they come. 5.)P&Y Deer Slam (5 species)all DIY Buckeye, when you coming down to work on that first buck on your list? H&H has some gooduns Germ tells me
That list isn't so bad either I wanted to this fall... But it don't look like it will happen this year.
I'm going with five that can hunt back: Brown bear Grizzly Cape buffalo Hippo Elephant I want to hunt these animals. I have no desire to ambush them in any fashion. Spot and stalk or nothing... As much as I would like to arrow a polar bear, I would suffice myself with a super dooper high quality photograph taken from close range. Zach, trust me, you can freeze your arse off in Africa