generally you know things aren't going to be good. Apparently a group of 3-4 males in a black 4 door car with "rimz" decided that working for a living was too difficult and tried to help themselves to the GPS unit in my truck. Unfortunately for them, they didn't realize I had it hardwired and bolted into my dashboard. Suckaz! My neighbor happened to be awake and heard the "smash" and by the time she got outside they were driving off with no lights on. She woke me up right away and called the cops, who as usual pretty much did nothing. Now I've got the patented garbage bag window until I can call the glass company in the morning. God Bless America!
Tough break.... Now you have the expense and hassle of taking care of this thanks to a couple idiots. I am glad you didn't have anything in there for them to take!
That happened to my roommate in college. But they did it at about 10pm while six of us were outside on our small deck drinking a few cold ones. We ran them down (two guys) and gave them the ass whippin they deserved before the cops got there.
Crap like that happens all the time unfortunately. They'll get their just desserts eventually, although that doesn't help you. That's why I had (and still have) a large dog when I lived in "the city". Great deterrent.
Crap like that pisses me right off.The cops in a case like this are as useless as boobs on a nun. If I were you I would go shoot something. :uzi: :uzi: :uzi:
Yeah, it's more of a PITA than anything. They didn't manage to steal anything and I carry a $0 deductible on comprehsive claims so it's not like I'm out a bunch of money. All this for a $150 GPS unit? Come on fellas, aren't there bigger fish to fry in this world??
That sucks! I had my ipod stolen out a few months back, when I was going to school in Milwaukee. It was a cold morning, so I went out to start the car, and in 5 minutes it was gone. Not impressed
Justin, that sucks. I have been pretty lucky since I have moved from Seattle to S.E. Wisconsin (Palmyra). I have left my truck running right in front of the house or unlocked for weeks with no trouble. But if I go into Madison or Milwaukee I lock it up even if I am just going in to pay for gas. Good thing for insurance.
Right after I got married, I had to park my car on the street in front of the house we were renting ... some idiots came down the street and threw full beer bottles through the back windshields of about a dozen cars, mine included. I think I was still finding little glass pieces every once in a while in it even when I sold it a few years later.
we have had ppl shoot the windows out of our combines when we set off for the night, man who honestly has the nerve to be shooting holes in a $500,000 piece of equipment!! its not the first time its happened either!
Had my Mossberg 835 Ultimag stolen out of my truck this turkey season, by some a##hole that belongs to my hunting club.
Dude.. that sucks. I swear.. you get your vehicles broken into more than anyone I ever met. I hate people.
I think this is my 3rd truck break-in now. The first time was in '98 or '99 and the bastards stole my CD player with my REO Speedwagon "The Hits" CD :mad1:. The next was early 2002 when they tried to steal my entire truck and destroyed the steering column, then stole about 200 CD's including my original copy of Vanilla Ice's "Mind Blowin'". And now this time in which nothing was stolen and only one pane of glass was harmed in an attempted theft of "Gale" the nice GPS lady. I'm cursed.....
yeah no kidding, what's the resale on a used $150 gps unit? Like $100 split 4 ways? I'd rather go to work for 2 hours... I guess that's why we work and they steal shiznit... they don't think about it quite like that.:computer:
I'm right with you duke. For me it's whitetails, dogs then people. Whitetails and dogs will never disappoint you. God Bless my country roots. Course my dog would bark first and I'd be shooting second. Yeah, I'm in the woods. :d