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The Champs, Team 6 - Tineacious

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Iamyourhuckleberry, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Tony

    Tony Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Wales, New York
    Guys .... pray for Scott ... he has a 140" 10 pointer bedded with a doe @ 80 yards ....
  2. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I keep waiting on him to text me back I can't get anything done until I find out the outcome.

    Get him Scott KILL!
  3. SouthernMDArcher

    SouthernMDArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Isaiah........I for one will never count you out. You are the teams silent sentinal waiting to strike.

    PT.............140 for me? chances are I will be lucky to pop another 115 deer, more likely a 90-110 deer but hey, you can dream)

    Will............The spikes I have seen do not even meet the state requirement to be tagged as buck. " fork or 3 in spikes".

    Colby.........I still say you set me up, I will get you back.

    Scott..........Shoot that S. O. B., call softly to him and nail him with that sharp stick bro.

    Everyone else incuding me..........kill something this weekend !!!

    P.S I am praying hard for Scott to shoot that Buck.

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  4. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    This is like the longest commercial ever. Get back to the show already.LOL
  5. Iamyourhuckleberry

    Iamyourhuckleberry Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Erie, Colorado
    Well, it's settled then Dave. You have to shoot a 120 incher....and I will be buying the steak!

    Get it Scott!
  6. FEB

    FEB Grizzled Veteran

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Oh, those red digits make my day :)
    The dedication and passion of this team is awesome. You guys rock!

    Scott must be shaking in his boots right now, good luck brother!
  7. Tony

    Tony Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Wales, New York
    He didn't get a shot at that buck, but he saw things tonight.most of is won't ever see ....
  8. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    A sasquatch?

    Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
  9. SouthernMDArcher

    SouthernMDArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Tony was hunting with Scott this evening?)))

  10. SouthernMDArcher

    SouthernMDArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Well I figure my 5 and half day break from hunting is over. Hope to get off work early tomm. and get in an evening hunt. Feels good to take a break and let the woods calm down etc. Foot is feeling better and it is about time I get back in the saddle.

    Calling for rain in the morning and northwest winds, I may try a stand I have not sat all year. Problem is it is on the mucked up side of the property, with the rut going maybe the deer have decided it is safe once again. We shall see..........

  11. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    I was in the woods all day today..... never came out... I'm exhausted I almost made it happen on a 100" 8pnt chasing a doe early this morning... then Nothing the rest of the day... Still a great day for my first All Dayer... I don't want to do it again

    I "Think" it was this guy..

  12. SouthernMDArcher

    SouthernMDArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Nice, go get him boss

  13. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Woke up at 2:30 this morning. A major cold front was moving through, with a slight drizzle expected for most the morning. After showering, eating a couple pieces of toast, and washing it down with a cup of coffee I was out the door and in my stand at 4:30.

    I sat the stand that I was talking about last night with the neighbors. Plan was to sit all day, unless the action was slow. At 11 I climbed down after not seeing a single deer.

    I went and pulled my cards from my trail cameras, and swapped them out with fresh ones. I then did a very quick scouting walk in an area I haven't stepped foot in all year. I bumped a doe out of here, but there was very little sign, and definantly nothing that got me excited. I went back in, ate lunch, and got dressed for my afternoon hunt.

    I was planning on going and sitting a stand I hadn't been to yet this year. As I am driving the 4 wheeler to my parking spot, I see 2 deer standing on the field edge. I stop and hit them with the binocs, and catch a very brief glimpse of a good buck and a doe, and they hit the woods and head right towards one of my stands. I make a U-turn, and drive to the back of the property, so I can slip into this spot. I get to the stand, and quietly place my TVF Scent bombs out, and climb up. As I am attaching my safety harness, I see antlers on the ridge above me. I look through my binocs, and it is the buck and his doe. I recognize him as a buck I had a single picture of from last year, that I called "Stranger". He is bedded 80 yards away from me. As cluster of sycamore trees blocks my view of him, so I actually have to lean over about a foot to see him. I decide to stand this entire hunt, and hide behind the sycamores so they can't see my location. I planned on waiting it out, and letting the buck and doe make the first move before calling to them.

    They move a few yards a couple different times, and I finally decide it is time to let some soft grunts to them. The buck hears me, but he doesn't pay any attention. at 4:15, I see movement coming towards me, and it is an old doe and her 2 doe fawns. They pass by me at 25 yards, but I let them walk. I just couldn't run the risk of spooking that buck who was still bedded down. Finally around 4:30, the 2 deer stand up and start feeding around, and all of a sudden "Stranger" decides it's time to make a fawn. He attempts to breed the doe for a few seconds, and out of nowhere two smaller bucks show up and want to play too!

    The two small bucks both take a run at the doe, before they square off and push around a bit. "Stranger" doesn't like his new friends, and goes after the bigger of the 2 (About a 90" 8 point), and the other one makes a bee line for my stand. He stands below me for about 20 seconds before he tries to run to the doe. "Stranger" meets him and chases this buck for a few seconds before returning to the doe, and finishing the job he started. Once they break off, all 4 deer bound over the hillside, away from my stand.

    It was so amazing, and heartbreaking all at the same time. I have been lucky enough to witness several cool rut hunting experiences, but this one tops them all. Truly an unforgettable hunt. I wish I could of arrowed the buck though!!!

    So I get back, and upload my pictures that I pulled from the cams, and guess who showed himself a few days ago...."Stranger". After looking at the pics, I think I had him scored high, and I don't think he will hit 140, but he's still plenty good enough for me.


    This following buck was headed into my stand at 7 this morning (time is wrong on the pic). This was where I planned on hunting this afternoon. He's not a monster, but I have a lot of pictures of him from the last couple months.

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  14. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Isaiah- I don't doubt you at all. You'll get it done!

    Tony- Thanks for getting the prayers out there. I didn't get the buck, but I was blessed with an awesome experience.

    Dave- Good luck out there man. Kill us a monster!

    Fred- I was shaking in my boots! I was a nervous wreck up there lol.

    Aaron- Solid looking buck there, good luck with him!
  15. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Sweet story hope you get him

    Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
  16. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Awesome story Scott... Stay on 'em... it's only a matter of time!

    EDIT: don't know why I said :D
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  17. Iamyourhuckleberry

    Iamyourhuckleberry Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Erie, Colorado

    Awesome account of your hunt. That's what it's all about-you were there to see it! They'll make a mistake sooner or later. Keep after it!

    Aaron, Consider yourself blessed. Last year, I had 15 all day sits-from 40 minutes until sun-up to sun-down. I never even saw a deer! Get some water in ya. Clint is in Kansas......

    So, earlier tonight, I was talking to Dustin Decroo on the phone. He has been guiding in Wyoming and hasn't been around a computer much. Thus, he hasn't posted either his buck or doe for Team 1 (see the bow hunt or die videos). I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like Team 1 has us! I figure Dustin's buck will score in the 150s. Add another 50 points for the doe and that puts Team 1 in the 850-860 range. The reality now, we are in second place!

    I hate surprises like this, but it only means, "We need to keep all feet on the gas!" I also hate leading from behind the leader. If I could hunt a doe tomorrow, I would stay out there until the cows came home!
  18. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    If the rest of us all kill a doe, then that is 300 more right there.

    Figure in the remaining 7 of us with buck tags can put on another 400 points minimum, and we are sitting very good.

    Let's make it happen! This team is too good to give up the title after only 1 year.

    I have until the middle of January to hunt. 7 of those days are gun season only (stupid law in Illinois). However my chances of killing a buck after the gun seasons are VERY slim. I have only seen a couple nice ones after that first season. On the bright side, that property the next county over should be open for me to hunt. The farmer has finished his crops, but I have opted to spend every chance I can in the woods I have now, instead of trying to scout a whole new piece. After the gun seasons though, meeting up with him and getting a quick tour should be much easier! This place has the potential to be huge....

    Back after it again in the morning. From my recent trail cam pictures, I have a lot of daytime activity down by one of my stands this past week. Wind is right, so I may give it a try.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  19. Reese

    Reese Weekend Warrior

    Dec 1, 2009
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    NY congrats on the doe and that shaking experience is one you will NEVER forget
    Scott awesome story man
    Will no worries my man....I have tomorrow off to hunt ( due to no work yay me lol ) AND its snowing here :) Major low coming thru and the deer are on the move. I will be hitting my primary stand at my folks property in the am
    Its a perfect funnel, deer have no chance to walk by this stand without presenting a shot ( hence last years preformance ) I just hope I can pull it off again this year.
    I have a buddy that is in dire straights this fall so I have opted to use my doe tag to help feed his family. Normally I try not to shoot my doe early in the year as they are kinda what the bucks are looking for this time of year lol
    On a good note, the entire state of Vermont is not up there this year, I am thinking with the drop in the deer population plus with the economy in the crapper there is not alot of guys making it up anymore.
    I just might feel compelled to hit some of my public land areas. Its a real beeyotch having a 3 month gun season comprised with a 4 week nonresident season ( gun also ) Non res are outta here I beleive on the 15th.
    God speed my freinds!!!!
    Good luck out there guys and stay safe
  20. Iamyourhuckleberry

    Iamyourhuckleberry Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Erie, Colorado
    I'm trying not to worry Reese. I actually love the fun "neck to neck" aspect of this competition. But man, we weren't given the red when we deserved it, and now that we have it, it's not really ours.

    I will keep the faith! Good Hunting Tomorrow! Stay focused, bring 'em home!

    Colby, hone your arras razor sharp! We have some work to do!

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