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The Champs, Team 6 - Tineacious

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Iamyourhuckleberry, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    According to your first score it would be 2 4/8 and 2 4/8... They should be the same as your M3's
  2. Tony

    Tony Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Wales, New York
    I could be wrong, but as I read it, the M3 is the smallest area and the M4 IS dead center between the tip and G2
  3. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    You cant measure the smallest area when there is no G4 to establish it from... so you have to go by the tip...

    I mean you could measure the circ. of the tip... that would be the "smallest" area... :D :whip:
  4. SouthernMDArcher

    SouthernMDArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Gosh darn it. Will you two decide how to measure that darn buck. I am trying to order the building supplies for PT and my clubhouse. Everytime you change it I have to reorder to downsize or expand the clubhouse size, get it right))))

    On a serious note, I got called in to work today for a half day. Sorta put the screws to my week long buck hunt(((

    Tony........if I do not have any good buck sightings this week, you may be sitting alone in the 120 Clubhouse and I will be alone in the 100 clubhouse. Maybe we can build them close together that way we can pass beers back and forth through the windows?

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  5. Iamyourhuckleberry

    Iamyourhuckleberry Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Erie, Colorado
    Anyone heard from Reese or Isaiah?

    Bummer about work Dave, a man has got to do what a man has got to do though. Work, these days, is more important than a deer. You'll be back in the woods soon enough...things happen for a reason. The Lord has a plan....

    I am shelving my heavier weight bows and opting for the 60 pounder this coming weekend. I'm spending a good part of today target practising, at least when I can. With added clothing, the cold, and being stationary ALL day in a stand, I think the lighter draw weight bow will be better suited for the hunting I plan on doing. My Timbervalley Valley Fresh Scent should show up today. I have my "Harry" buck decoy ready to go (I'll take his fake antlers off though), and the plan is to place her about 20 yards up wind of my position. I'll use a scent pad or two around my boots as I walk in...should leave an excellent trail for any cruising buck. Hopefully, it will be a matter of waiting on the right deer! I am getting excited! This month is going to be KILLER! It all starts Saturday with South Dakota.

    Lord, we ask that you keep us all safe in the hunt.
  6. drenman

    drenman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 1, 2009
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    I texted a couple times briefly with Isaiah and it sounded like he had a tough week last week. Some bad luck and then to boot he got sicker than a dog. I never heard if he was able to get back out or not.

    Today is the official start to my hard push. I'm taking the afternoon off and taking a buddy that is new to bowhunting out to my place in hopes of putting him on a least a doe. I'll probably go sit the stand that I shot my buck out of last year, it's in a good spot but it is supposed to be pretty warm today so it's hard to say how much movement we'll have. I'll hunt everyday from now until I leave town next Wednesday. I'll have at least 4 all day hunts in there and if I don't have anything down by the time the weekend is over I'll probably do full day sits Monday and Tuesday.

    I had said before that my expectations were a little lower this year but after the buck I passed last Thursday I'm thinking I'm still looking for something in that 130+ range. There is something wrong with a guy that a 120ish deer doesn't get his blood pumping but I have to say he didn't. Thats not to say if I have mature deer with a 115 rack in front of me he isn't going to eat dirt, cause he absolutely will. Hopefully the right one will walk by sooner than later.
  7. SouthernMDArcher

    SouthernMDArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Isaiah.........Get well and get back out there buddy.

    Dren.........Goodluck with the hunting this afternoon and the days to come.

    Will...........We need you in the 200 club boss, that should make up for my less than stellar year.))

    Tony..........If you text me one more time about deer all around you while I am at work, I am coming up there and hunting your stands))

    So, went into work for a half day at the request of the Big boss. Found out that I am not being considered for the section job I asked for. I was informed I was being considered for the Division job which is two steps above the section job. Will........did they ask for your input?))).........You pegged that one
    I am home now, going to eat lunch and resume my week long buck hunt.

    Goodluck guys and be safe !!

    Dave/Vice President of the "120 club"...................."Serving the less fortunate whitetail Bowhunters worldwide"
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  8. drenman

    drenman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 1, 2009
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    Dave, congrats on the chance at something big on the job front, I hope it works out. He always has a plan, just doesn't always share the details on how we get there.
  9. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Dave congrats on the job that's awesome buddy.

    Will good luck in South Dakota its killing me not being out hunting. I went out and scouted for a buddy and think I have a good buck locked down I can get him on. Bring on Thanksgiving I'm ready to hunt again.

    Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
  10. Tony

    Tony Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Wales, New York
    LOL ... wish you woulda been here! Congrats on the possible job! LOVE the sig!!!!

    Will - I was talking to Reese all morning ... he saw a spike and a few does that wouldn't come in ....

    OK boys ... I had bucks around me all morning until 11:15 ... it was WILD!!! It started with a grunt from behind me ... he is harassing this doe who was being difficult with him and me as she wouldn't give either of us a shot ;)

    The buck was prolly 90" ... she leads him away and about 5 minutes later a forkie followed them ... then in a little there is a solo deer that caught me by surprise in front and to my right in thick junk ... I froze and never saw it again ... then a little later I hear a deer blow ... dunno what made him do that, but the wind got whacky and shifting so maybe it was me... it was a 6 pointer and he sauntered of along the ridge top.

    then at 11:15 I see horn first and then the whole deer .. it was a 115is, maybe 120" 8 pointer and he stops dead @ 20 yards broadside ... to answer your question, "No, we can't shoot more that one buck in NY for Archery ... my only chance at him will be during gun season....

    It was an awesome morning :)

    Isaiah!!!! How's it going, Cuz?!

    Cowboy - you still going out with Will for a doe?
  11. FEB

    FEB Grizzled Veteran

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Good luck out there guys, I'm keeping an eye on y'all. Just because I'm done here, don't keep me out of the loop you users! :)

    Matt, I noticed we killed our does on the same day, within 10 minutes of each other.
    We both probably had the shakes at the same time, 1000 miles apart. How cool is that?
  12. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Tony, mornings like that are the ones you'll remember forever. You'll get your doe soon enough, and good luck on that 8 point come gun season!
  13. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    PT sounds like a great morning in the stand. Deer all around you thats awesome.

    And to answer your question yes I'm going to do everything possible to go with Will out of state to get a Doe. South Dakota didn't work out because I couldn't get a tag in the area he was in.

    But I have bought a tag for another state to go with Will on a different hunt. I can't believe I'm this pumped for a doe.

    Keep on them boys. I'm ready for them to update the score board so i can see out Team highlighted in RED!
  14. Iamyourhuckleberry

    Iamyourhuckleberry Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Erie, Colorado
    Colby, red becomes us. It's the color of "all heart" (the big red ball in the center of our avatar).

    Dave, congrats on the move in the workplace! I will do my best. 200 is a high mark to hit...

    Fred, if you would mind, we could sure use you in the cheering section.

    Pt, focus baby! Look past the bone and bring a nanny home! You can do it!

    Good luck guys!
  15. SouthernMDArcher

    SouthernMDArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Ok, the post of shame.....................I missed a dandy 9 point 130 class BUCK tonight. Told Tony I was not gonna post this until tomm. but decided to fess up. The story: Saw no movement except squirrels and a redfox up to the last 30 minutes of shooting light. Then 2 small doe come down off the hill and mill around for a few minutes. Then 2 large doe come off the hill and mill around in front of me with the other doe. I decided not to pop one of the doe in the hope a buck was following. Well, 5 minutes later here comes Mr. 9 point "never seen him before".

    He takes alot longer to work his way down the hill to the creek so I am able to get a good look at him and start counting. My final guess right before I drew was 132 plus or minus 4. So, I got 4 doe in front of me a spike with a broke leg walks in behind me and Mr. 9 point who finally walks in the shooting lane and stops perfect. I draw the bow and think he is standing next to the 33 yard tree which I ranged earlier this year. I settle the 30 yard pin just a tad below midway on the body and right behind the shoulder, I am thinking with 2 to 3 yards more the arrow should drop in perfect.

    Snap goes the release, as soon as the arrow flies off I already know I missed. Darn arrow goes 1 inch over his back, he turns and runs back the way he came in, the doe follow him. I reach for my range finder and range the stupid tree, 24 yards. There are three trees I ranged earlier this year for that particular trail/shooting lane, 18 yard tree, 24 yard tree and the 33 yard tree. Like an idiot I thought he was standing next to the 33 yard tree when in reality he was right next to the 24 yard tree.

    Watched the broke leg spike buck and gave serious thought of putting him out of his misery. Decided to let him go, if I see him next time He may have to die. Guys I am sorry, nothing more I can say. Did a thorough check of the arrow and I got nothing but dirt. All I can do now is get back in a tree tomm. morning and try again. BTW, me and Tony had a good laugh about the entire incident. I feel lucky to have had the chance at Mr.9 point, atleast I now know there are 3 if not 4 good bucks on the property.

    Once again I apologize for my error. Inserting own foot in own arse now !!!

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  16. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Dang Dave... stay after him... it happens Bro.. It sucks but it happens...
  17. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Scoreboard !!!!

    Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
  18. nybowhunter17

    nybowhunter17 Weekend Warrior

    Aug 8, 2011
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    upsate new york
    im going hunting finally this weekend any tips on rut hunting this is my second year last year had no clue what to do should i rattle in the morning right after sunrise and what about secent like doe estrus
  19. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Tough break Dave, but like Aaron said it happens.

    10 years ago yesterday, I missed a once in a lifetime buck at 15 yards. I swear I shot a foot over this things back. He was a straight 12 pointer definantly pushing the 180's that year. A week later, I killed an 8 pointer, which was my best buck ever at the time.

    Stay with it. Just be glad you were given the chance, and take a lesson from the miss. You'll be ready for the next chance.

    I hunted close to where I was last night. I again saw the 10 pointer, but he was too far. I've got a pattern on him, with similar conditions tomorrow. He beds in a tricky spot to set up on, so it's going to take a good plan, a lot of luck, and for me to get off work tomorrow afternoon.
  20. Iamyourhuckleberry

    Iamyourhuckleberry Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Erie, Colorado
    Serious tough break Dave. In the past I have used orange construction "locate" paint to denote distance on various trees. One dot represented ten yards...three dots equaled thirty,etc. A dash was 5 yards. Thus, ***- was thirty five. The paint was a fast reference during the season, and since it is bio-degradable, by the end of the season it's gone. It's something you may consider. CRS only gets worse the older we get.

    Hey PT, you need to jump on the "Where's the respect" thread. What's up with the second or third place team wearing the red jersey? We are ahead of the second place team by some 70 points and we're in black. It ain't right!
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011

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