sorry bout the long post, but there is some buildup Well, i can honestly say this has been one of the hardest months of my life, Topped with some of the craziest things that i have ever had to deal with. I was driving down the road to my parents today, to see my sisters before they leave (ones moving to NYC and the other to portland within a week of each other) and i Suddenly felt the urge to quit smoking....and drinking and pretty much anything that harms me. I thought, "this is gonna be rough" When i got there, i hung out with my sisters and their significant others, shot the ol block with my dad to se how he was shootin. Then my uncle shows up. he had told he he had a recurve for me to shoot, and came walkin out with it in hand. Along with a beautiful leather Quiver, and a mess of assorted arrows. Jumping forward about 3 hours, my dad looks at me and says "I kinda knew that you would want to do the Traditional thing, so I have had some stuff set aside for you for a long time" so this is what i aquired today. It turned out to be a great day to give up my vices!!
Congrats Looks like Christmas came early for you. Don't know why they got you gloves or tab because the string has the no gloves on it
Nice bow! Is that a Bear Grizzly? It looks exactly like the one I started with and still have hanging in may garage. I haven't shot it in years, that makes me want to pick it up again.
Thats awesome, looks like a 70's Kodiak Magnum, great bow right there! Congrats and welcome aboard! Now start shootin!:D are those fiberglass Bear arrows??
I thinky they are cedar, they are painted, and the glue ferrules all look wood where there is no paint. but they could be. they are SO light. they weigh nothing. lol It is indeed a 70's Kodiac Magnum. "Glass powered" lol I am excited!
Congrats on the Trad gear , now get her set-up and lets see how you perform and trust me .... Trad shooting is addictive
Yeah, he just had all this stuff sittin around, I think i will like the Tabs better, But i will shott the no tabs for a while and see how it goes.
Shot my best groups today! Consistantly a pie plate at 10 and 15 yards! I cant wait till i feel comfortable enough to hunt with this! Its gonna be a while though lol